Jaw Hits Floor

A Perfect Post

I’ll admit, I’m shocked. And honored. And blushing. I certainly wasn’t expecting to find I’d been awarded a Perfect Post award when I checked my e-mail this morning.

J’s Mommy over at Another Mommy Moment was kind enough to bestow this lovely award on me for my 30th birthday post.

What J’s Mommy may not realize is that she just got my Perfect Timing award. (OK, so there is no such award, but if there was, she’d be the first recipient.) Just yesterday I was talking with someone about my writing, and I mentioned that I can, at times, be very insecure about my writing. I sometimes agonize over a single paragraph, feeling like my writing is dull, repetitive, or uninspiring. I’ve been floundering over why I bother to write.

After all, my life isn’t that exciting – why would anyone want to read it? I am often stunned by the phenomena of mommy blogs and how they have spread like fire. Mommy blogs are often dismissed by other “real” writers as being nothing but fluff and vanity writing. But if that’s the case, why do these blogs get so much attention?

I think it’s because motherhood is difficult, confusing, and there is no how-to book to show us what to do. Oh wait, there is, but would you really trust it? There are two good methods for learning to be a parent: trial by fire, and stories from your peers. While trial by fire is essentially parenting on a runaway train, and you learn a lot by doing that, peer advice is that extra bit that gives you some idea of what’s coming around the bend, so you at least have a few tools in your back pocket to prepare.

Think about it – how often do you ask for or take advice from a friend who has already gone through a situation you are about to go through? While it’s doubtful that you will have the exact same experience, there is a high chance some of it will be the same.

Mommy blogs are like a global circle of friends offering advice and sharing their stories. We learn what works, what doesn’t work, and what should never, ever, be done again. I’ve learned from other moms, and I think others have benefited from my experience as well.

So thank you, J’s Mommy, for my Perfect Post award. You’ve helped renew my faith in my writing, and reaffirmed for me that people are reading, and they are hopefully leaving with a new idea, a new smile for the day, or a new thought to ponder.

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  1. Don’t thank me – you totally deserve it. And you ARE a wonderful writer ~ talented, funny, thoughtful, honest, I could go on and on! Have a great weekend!

  2. Congrats Christina!

  3. Yay! You deserve that award and many more.

    I loved your last post, btw. It feels funny saying that about someone else’s hardships but it was really well written. I hope it helps at least one other person.

  4. I enjoy your writing a lot, don’t beat yourself up over it! Just keep it coming!

  5. Congrats on the award! I think that your birthday post was great! You totally deserve this honor!

    Now, can you give me hints on my writing? =) I suffer from the same insecurities!

    Have a good weekend!

  6. Ditto on all the praise for your writing. You are a fabulous writer!! So deserving!!

  7. Pssh, your writing is awesome, my dear. I love coming over here to see what gem you’ve given me for the day.

    And as I don’t have many peers to bounce things off of in real life (my best friend does not yet have kids and, other than that, I’m UBER shy), Mommy bloggers are my best resource. I learn what to do… what not to do… how to stay sane… how not to stay sane… and a little bit of everything.

    *hugs* Congratulations!

  8. Mommy off the Record says

    Love you AND your writing. Congratulations!

  9. Congratulations, Christina! I had imagined by the number of comments you get regularly that you’d know people were reading! :o) I come here every day to get my Christina fix even if I can’t manage to bang out a comment.

  10. Congrat’s!! You are a great writer, so
    keep it coming!!

  11. Congratulations!!!

  12. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    You should be nominated! I really enjoy what you have to say! Yay for you!!!

  13. Congrats! I also made up some awards (the PIMPS), to supplement to PPs, and awarded you one. No, really, it’s a good thing.

  14. Congrats! Remember, as my mom always says, there’s only seven stories in the whole world and Shakespeare has covered them first. That always works for me when I wonder what the hell is so interesting about my life that people will want to read it.

    Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.

  15. W00t well deserved!! Congrats girl! I totally agree with the global village idea!

  16. Congratulations! This is so well deserved!!!!