
I’m hanging out over at the Queen of Spain‘s blog today, keeping the pillows fluffed and telling tales of puberty and boobs. Come visit me, won’t you?

Oh, and thank you all for your help and advice with the kittens! My mom has begged her vet, and he will take any kittens that don’t have a home when they’re eight weeks old. He has a cage for adoptions in his waiting room. I’m still hoping to find individual homes for them, but I’m thrilled that no matter what they will be going somewhere safe. At the moment, two kittens may have homes.

And because I’m a sucker nice person, I’m bringing the whole family inside to live in our guest bedroom until the kittens are old enough to leave. I must be insane. Or I just want Cordy to be able to use her playhouse again.

Finally, have you signed up for Vocalpoint yet? Read my review about it here, or click the button on my sidebar to start getting free stuff. (And yeah, there’s incentive for me, too. If I get the most people to sign up, I win a free Roomba! If you’ve seen my house, you know I need a robot to clean for me.)

OK, must get back to Queen’s blog to relax on her comfy sofa and spill details of junior high!

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