This Is What Happens When You Watch Too Much Bollywood While Pregnant

Give Mira a sticker, and you’ve got a 90% chance of it ending up in the same place every single time:

What is it about the middle of her forehead that screams I need some decoration here! ?

I think she’ll be requesting a package of bindi jewelry for her birthday next month.

PS – Yes, she has a permanent case of bedhead.

PPS – No, it cannot be tamed with any amount of styling product.

PPPS – Yes, I tried everything. Embrace the tousled look.

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  1. I love the bedhead look – wish my hair would do that!

  2. We rock the bindi’s round my place too.

  3. I love the tousled look =) My niece rocks it too!

  4. WOW – she is gorgeous! I cannot get over those eyes.

  5. 🙂 Nice look. The hair goes with the sticker well!

  6. what a cutie pie love the hair!

  7. She’s so cute! Such pretty eyes!!

  8. oh so pretty!
    I love the messy look too, my daughter rocks it well!

  9. hmm that should be my daugher rocks it AS well.

  10. Her hair is so cute! BG always puts stickers on her cheeks…kids they are a crack up.

  11. oh that is too funny lol! I love your blog, it is excellent 🙂