Now You Know Why They’re Not Models

Scene: Fall festival, trying to take a nice photo of both girls. (Click any photo to enlarge.)

OK, girls, look at mommy and smile!

C’mon, Mira, smile for mommy! You’re too young to be sullen! Oh…um, Cordy, I don’t need your help making Mira smile…

Mira, c’mon, look at the camera like Cordy did. Cordy, are you looking?

What kind of a face was that, Mira? Cordy, please focus! Just one photo of the two of you smiling! That’s all I’m asking for!

Good eye contact, Mira. If only you didn’t look so bershon. Now can we get Cordy to look at the camera and have both of you smile? Please?

OK, clearly we’re done here. Fine, I’ll leave you alone to play on the stairs and wait for the hayride.

Wait…now you’re smiling? Hold still! Let me get my camera out again! Don’t stop smiling! Argh, I don’t have enough time! *CLICK*

You two are determined to have me committed.

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  1. It’s a great photo, worth all the work! 🙂

    I can’t get Dawson to smile naturally. He makes this face, one that’s all teeth, like he’s going to see the dentist.

  2. I love the last photo!

  3. You did it! Great last picture. I have yet to capture both my boys in the same shot.

  4. Adorable photos, fantastic commentary! 🙂

  5. LOL – that last picture was worth all the work! They are adorable, even when they aren’t posing 🙂

  6. I was so happy when I saw that last pic. I have those sessions all the time, but they never work out like that for me!

  7. Oh hands down, the second picture is my favorite, lol

  8. LOL! That really made me laugh =)

  9. The benefit of being a designer: Grandma and Papa never know the difference when the kids are both smiling in the same picture only with the aid of Photoshop. Of course, I hang the originals in my house…love those memories of what they were fighting about, saying to each other, distracted by in the yard, etc, etc. 🙂

  10. gorgeous girls!

  11. I had that frustration all weekend and yesterday. JUST LOOK AT ME!

    Great last picture though. I love it!

  12. Yup. Totally been there. These photos are great!!! TD is queen of the closed eye-squinty smile.

  13. Monkey Kisses says

    getting one child to smile is hard work, but getting two to smile and face the camera…. A NIGHTMARE!

  14. What gorgeous girls!!