It Only Took 35 Years To Realize This

As much as I’ve tried to be everything to everyone for years, I’ve finally reached the point where I’m mostly comfortable with who I am. No longer embarrassed by the parts of me that don’t fit the status quo, or apologetic for being unable to live up to someone’s expectations, but instead accepting of all my quirks and the experiences (both good and bad) that have shaped me into who I am.

Still not feeling grown up yet, but definitely feeling more comfortable in my own skin.

Happy birthday to me. If I could pick a gift for myself, I’d wish for at least another 35 years to enjoy who I am.

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  1. It took me longer. 😉 Congrats for getting there. Happy birthday and many more to come!

  2. That’s a great thought! I just turned 34 🙂

  3. Great post! There is nothing better than authenticity. Happy Birthday!