Cordy’s Thank You Note

It’s been a busy week at work. We’ve been temporarily understaffed, and as a result I feel like my days have been spent either sleeping or working.


Remember when I begged you all for votes for the Columbus Parent Magazine cover contest? It all paid off! Thanks to your votes, Cordy made it into the top five finalists out of nearly 400 entries!

As promised, here’s your thank you note:

Now we have to wait to see if Cordy is selected as the winner. A panel made up of magazine editors and professional photographers will choose the winner by this Friday. (Tomorrow!)

I have no idea what goes into making a decision like that – how do you look at five kids and decide which one will be the cuter kid on the cover just by seeing one photo and no other information? I can’t imagine it would be easy – even Miss America has a question and answer portion to the competition. There’s no chance to find out what each child is like, what story they all have to go with those smiling faces…just a photo.

Cross your fingers and hope they can see Cordy’s story in her blue eyes. And if she wins…well, she’ll have to work on an even bigger thank you note.

Cordy plans to use this photo for all holiday and birthday gifts going forward as well. She’s a time saver like me. Or lazy. Like me. 
Edited to add: Cordy didn’t win the big prize of being on the magazine cover, but her photo will be featured in the December 2011 issue.
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  1. That is SO fabulous that she made it to the top 5! Fingers crossed that she gets chosen. How could they not? She’s so adorable!

  2. And a genius too! 🙂

    Congrats! Keeping fingers crossed that she’s the One!