Cordelia’s Language Explosion

Originally uploaded by A Mommy Story.

For her first birthday, we bought Cordelia this adorable little chair that was just her size. Our hopes were that she would sit in it instead of screaming for us to pick her up and put her on the couch. Being on the couch inevitably led to her falling off the couch and hurting herself. She needed furniture that was less dangerous.

And as toddlers are well-known for, she showed us that she wasn’t about to do what we want her to do. She preferred to stand up in the chair, sit on the arms, and generally use it every way possible except the way that involves her butt on the seat. As for it being less dangerous? Oh no, she found ways to make it dangerous! Leaning back while standing on the seat to tip it over, sitting on the arm and falling off backwards – Cordy has proven that there is no such thing as a safe piece of furniture.

Over the weekend, though, we saw her sitting in her cushy chair. As in, butt-on-the-seat. I was shocked. She looked at me, grinning her “You didn’t expect that, did you?” grin, then said “Sthit.” She then stood up and sat back down, repeating “Sthit.”

It appears she has learned the word sit (or I suppose it could be shit, as Aaron is known to say that a lot around her), as well as the action of sitting down. We applauded her and praised her, which led to more Sthit-ing and sitting.

The next new trick was the old “where’s your nose?” game. For months we’ve been pointing to our own noses and hers and repeating, “Mommy’s nose. Cordy’s nose. Daddy’s nose. Kitty’s nose.” She usually just looked at us like we were some weirdos with a nose fetish. However, this weekend we asked her “Where’s your nose?” and she pointed to it! Yay! The little girl has given into the urges of society and mimicked it! Wait, that’s not supposed to be a good thing…

Just to add to her language explosion, today she was reading a book while I changed her diaper (getting her started on bathroom reading early, I guess), and she lifted the book up to look at me and said, “Bouuuuk.” She now knows the word book, although she pronounces it in a haughty, over-enunciated, strange accent: “Booouuuuk.”

It seems she’s been holding out on us, vocabulary-wise.

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