Green Giant’s New Veggie Snack Chips #GiantFlavor

Did you know Green Giant makes chips now? Neither did I, until I was recently asked if I’d like to try their new veggie snack chips with my family. After I got home from Chicago, there was a box waiting for me with two bags of chips inside: Garden Ranch Roasted Veggie Tortilla Chips and Barbecue Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips.

Now, I’ll admit to being a little skeptical at first. Potatoes are vegetables, and that’s what nearly every chip is made from, right? So the first thing I did was take a look at the ingredients:

Green Giant Veggie Chips ingredientsEasy-to-read ingredients

Whoa, there are a lot of good ingredients in these chips. And I can pronounce all of the ingredients, too. There’s no way I’d count this as a replacement for a serving of vegetables in our diet, but I’m happy to get a little extra wherever I can. Beyond the veggies, there are some great grains in there, too: buckwheat, millet, quinoa.

Green Giant Veggie ChipsI also noticed there was no wheat declared on the label, meaning they might be gluten free. However, the label doesn’t declare them gluten-free, so those who may be more sensitive to gluten than Aaron should probably look into it further to decide if it’s safe for them.

I live with an entire household of salty-crunchy fans. Given the choice, they’ll reach for something they can crunch while playing a game or watching TV. And a couple of them (Aaron and Mira) also appreciate bold flavors.

I tried the Garden Ranch tortilla chips first, and was surprised at how light and crunchy the chip is, while also being so tasty! They have a zesty flavor that borders on spicy. These are sooooo easy to snack on, seeing how I was 1/4 of the way through the bag before Mira asked me if I was going to share them with her. Oops.

Yes, of course I’ll share with my snack monster.

She took a bite, considered the taste for a moment, then ate another and declared she loved them. And then ate another. And another.

Mira loves Veggie ChipsMira was happy to smile for me while eating her Green Giant Garden Ranch chips.

Of course, Mira got the bag of them and then didn’t want to give them back.

Get your own, mom.This is the face she made when I told her I wanted the bag back.

The only family member who wasn’t a fan was Cordy, who said they were too “spicy” for her. That’s not surprising, since she doesn’t like a lot of spicy flavors. She also wasn’t a big fan of the Barbecue Multigrain Sweet Potato chips, either, which left more for the rest of us. (I think she’ll like the Zesty Cheddar flavor, however, which I recently found at our local Krogers.)

Of the two, my favorite is the Garden Ranch tortilla chips. They’re great on their own as a snack, and they’re also perfect as a scoop for salsa to give your taste buds double the zing. They remind me a little of the cool ranch Doritos, only with a flavor that is less salty, and more genuine natural tastes. The barbecue is good, too, but barbecue generally isn’t a favorite flavor of mine.

If you’re looking for a new snack chip that has more natural ingredients, I recommend the Green Giant veggie chips. They’re made from whole grains and vegetables, without any trans fats and without any of the artificial junk in more popular chips. With school starting back soon, these are a perfect guilt-free treat for lunchboxes.

You can like Green Giant veggie chips on Facebook right now and get a coupon to save on your first bag, too.

Happy snacking!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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