Happy Baby, Happy Mommy

Cordy and I enjoyed a fun morning of Wiggles and playtime before I went to work today. She slept in until 8:40 (which is AMAZING – she’s normally up by 6:30!), and best of all: she woke up in a good mood! I was amazed at my luck! Normally Aaron gets up with her in the morning, but he had to go into work at dark-thirty today, and I was left to get up with her (sorry dear, guess it was my lucky day). So, to celebrate, here are some pictures of Cordelia doing what she does best: look cute.

Some kids teeth using teething rings and toys. Mine? She prefers a sock:

Attack of the spoon-baby!!

Impish smile:

Now, I’ve seen a lot of discussion on the blogosphere and forums about how to have a Christmas tree and toddler live together peacefully in the same home. Some suggest not decorating the bottom third of the tree. Others say to put only unbreakable ornaments down low.

Our solution? Cage it:

And for those looking closely, yes, it is a geek tree. You can probably spot several superhero ornaments, and the Darth Tater hiding on the shelf behind the tree.

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  1. genius, pure genius. now let’s jus hope she doesn’t learn to scale the fence like a ninja before the holidays are over.

  2. OK, Dutch, I’m not telling her what you just wrote, or she’ll be scaling the bookcase behind the tree in no time. After all, her daddy intends to train her in stage combat and stunts.

    I’m doomed.

  3. OOOH! Nice gate. We are using unwrapped christmas presents to keep our kiddo coralled. Mobility caught us unaware.