Bits & Pieces

Aaron’s third interview went extremely well. All they’re waiting for now are the results of a background check (state required) and drug test. When he passes those (which there’s no reason he shouldn’t), he’ll be given an offer! Yay!! I can’t even begin to express how excited I am.


I got dinged from ClubMom. Last month I had received an e-mail saying I wasn’t selected for the first round, but they planned to bring me on for the second round of bloggers. Yesterday I got the final e-mail, saying after some thought they changed their minds. I guess they’re just not that into me. I understand, although I am a little disappointed. I had some big hopes to write the story of planning my second pregnancy via a ClubMom blog, but it wasn’t meant to be. Boo.


Thanks to the recommendation of Kvetch, I went shopping for clothing today at Lane Bryant. I was able to get past the stigma of wearing “big girl” clothing, simply because I’m so sick of not having clothing that fits properly. If it fits in the hips, it’s too big in the waist, and shirts are never long enough. This was different, though, and I got to feel happy trying on clothing. Clothing that fits, is fashionable, and comfortable – what a concept!

However, I do have one complaint: women who wear a size 2 on their fat days should not be allowed to work at Lane Bryant. Not only is it depressing, I simply cannot ask these women for fashion advice. “Do you think this would make my butt look big? Oh wait, I forgot: you don’t have a butt.” Seriously. You can’t tell me these women are working there for the discount.


I am 19 days away from turning 30 (on June 21). I still don’t know how I feel about this. I don’t know if I’m ready to no longer be a 20-something. But I do know what I want for my birthday:

With this chain:

I simply LOVE these necklaces. So elegant, so basic. If you want to see their other designs, you can view more of the Blend Creations designs here.

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  1. Anonymous says

    I wonder what went on at Club Mom! I was very very upset…I’m glad things on the job front looks good! It is so nice when something positive (more positive than the negative) comes along and makes you feel better….in my case, the positive news is a broken leg for Wayne…lovely eh?

    Jerri Ann
    [email protected]

  2. Thats a cute necklace. Welcome to the 30 club (almost anyway). I turned 30 last year and am getting ready to the the 3-1 which seems even scarier

  3. Bugger about the clubmom thing, not even sure what it is..WTG Aaron on the Job front! Sounds like it’s all going to work out ok.
    I’m now 32, and I remember DREADING my 30th, but I woke up on the day and thought to myself “I don’t FEEL any different, I’m NOT any different” and it kind of helped. And there’s something a little more ‘take this person seriously’ about 30-something as opposed to 20-something…just my thoughts mate, take it easy and i’m glad you found some clothes that you like!

  4. Yay for Aaron! Fooey on ClubMom…they’re missin out.

    Thirty is great. I am dreading this year when I hit 34 because I can no longer say “early thirties” I am full on mid-thirties now. Yikes.

  5. 30 came and went without so much as a ripple. I already had a three year old and a one year old, so how could one birthday make such a difference in my life? And you and I share a birthday week: I’ll be 31 on June 24th.

    I’m keeping my eyes peeled for news of job and photos of fashion diva.

  6. Lovely necklace!

    ClubMom doesn’t know what they’re missing, dearie.

    And we’re waiting news of your husband’s job any day! WEE!

  7. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    that’s a really great necklace! I’m gonna check out their site. And I agree, what are little minnies doing working there? hmm….

  8. Mommy off the Record says

    Yay–I’m glad Aaron’s interview went well! congrats. Did you say THREE interviews, a drug test AND a background check. What is the job? FBI?? 🙂

    P.S. Congrats on your upcoming bday. I’m turning 30 next Feb. It’s kinda a weird feeling, turning into a new decade and all.

  9. 30 is great. You’ll love it 🙂 We’ll have to celebrate at blogher. I love that necklace too!

    And, clubmom? Boo on them for missing out on you.

  10. HOORAY about the interview..that is so wonderful and exciting!

    Club Mom is tough. I was so disappointed when I got my rejection letter. That could have been a sweet gig.

    Lane Bryant..yes, nobody that wears under size 14 should be working there. NO way!

  11. O O O o o o … That is so wonderful!! You must be bursting with joy! Congrats to you and hubby!!

    Sorry you did not get a chance at the mom club thingy. They sure have no idea what they are missing!

    heh You are so right about the way too skinny working at real women stores!! Never should happen!

    I turned 30 a couple months ago. I really did not like the idea. Now I try not to think about it! I don’t want to grow up!!

  12. Good luck to your hubby.

    Sorry about clubmom.

    I’ll be turning 30 this year too in October. Are you as scared as me?

  13. The necklace is very cute.

    30? are still young!!! I’ve got 10 years on you and it just gets better and better!

    Yeah on the 3rd round of interviews. Best of Luck, and continued good thoughts sent your way!

  14. mommy off the record,

    It’s a job working for the state of Ohio, hence required background check and drug test.

    The interview process went like this:

    First Interview: I met with their HR manager and took a skills test. Essentially, they handed me a stack of things to do, and said “Do this in an hour.” They came back, thanked me, and I left.

    Second Interview: I met with the HR manager again, as well as interviewed with the three people who I would actually be functioning as the assistant to. (The job is one part secretarial, one part personal assistant – to three different people).

    Third Interview: I met with the Manager of HR and Fiscal Services and the Vice Chancelor of Operations for the Board. We had a very nice, informal, enjoyable meeting, at the end of which I was told they just were waiting on my background check and blood test, then they’d be making me an offer.

    Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait….

  15. Love the necklace! I will be dropping some hints to my hubby about one of those!

    Yay for Aaron and the (hopefully) new job! I’m happy for you guys.

  16. Yay on the interview! LOL about the salesgirls. You’re right – that shouldn’t be allowed; but then there would be some kind of lawsuit. Love the necklaces – thanks for sending the link! I understand about feeling weird about turning 30, but you’ll get little sympathy from me, since I just turned 3*5*… blargh…

    But congratulations on your upcoming birthday! :o) The 30s aren’t so bad, and lemme tell you, as much fun as the 20s are, aren’t you glad you’re through that learning decade? I learned SO much during my 20s that is making my 30s easier.

  17. BTW, I hope that you’ll let us know where to read about you planning your second pregnancy, if you don’t write about it here. Sorry about the ClubMom thing. :o( But you know we’ll all still be here to read this blog! :o)

  18. For my 30th, my husband (who is 5 years younger than I am) bought me an all-day sucker that said “Thirty sucks!” I took one look at it and cried. That necklace is much better.

    Seems like you and I are in similar places in life – staving off poverty as best we can and keeping our fingers crossed on a promising job opportunity for the spouse. May both of our husbands receive those good phone calls soon!

  19. I’m sorry about ClubMom…I didn’t even get in under the wire to apply to be a blogger there. 🙁 Perhaps I saved myself unnecessary heartache! As for L.B., gotta tell ya that I’ve never ever seen a thin gal at one. I wouldn’t like it either. Actually I’m usually one of the smallest women in the store, which is VERY NICE! 🙂

  20. I’m sorry about ClubMom. There are lots of other avenues for sharing your writing, so don’t give up.

    And 30 is great. Really.

  21. Ok, I still haven’t even looked at club mom yet. So it’s can’t be all that great.

    As for Aaron…HOOORAY!!!!! He’s totally going to be working for THE MAN. You know…whitey. The man.

    Sorry, my Aaron makes way too many jokes like that about the goverment that it’s spilling over into my blogging.

  22. I am not sure what clubmom is but you have a great blog, their loss!

    yay for hubby! I am sure the job will be great!

    I am a big girl and I hate hate hate skinny woman waiting on me in Lane Bryant and I hate seeing them in my big girl catalogs!!! Blech!!!

    30 is a trying time, I was upset for about a day & then realized it will be ok & drowned my sorrows in Ben N Jerry’s! HA!

    This year I will be 35 (aug) and I am so not happy about it!

  23. You will blog about your second pregnancy here, and we will all read it and be happy that we get to do so in the big comfy couch that is your blog and that we don’t have to get up off of our asses to read it somewhere else (Which we would totally do, of course. But I like it here, and don’t feel like getting up and moving around.)

  24. lynsalyns says

    Yay for Aaron! I’m happy for you guys, hope this eases the strain for you.

    Club Mom … idiots.

  25. I’ll turn 30 on July 28 (when you guys will all be having a blast at blogher). I’ll be joining you. And I love that necklace! But your hubz better be throwing you a party or something!

  26. Yeah! Now send my husband new job vibes. Third shift is killing him and me.

    Phooey to ClubMom. Now I definitely will never visit their site.

    As for Lane Bryant. I lovingly call it the “Fat Girl’s Limited.” I LOVE their clothes. They do make you feel good. As for the bag of bones….not everyone can work at Victoria Secret/Bath and Body, The Limited, etc. Wes Lexner’s empire provides discounts to all his stores no matter where you work. My sis is a B&B employee. I think the semi annual sale at LB starts this Monday. They have the most comfy underwear around!!!

    I turned 31 this year. Blech. Besides, 30 is the new 20. Or so they say.

  27. I got the same second rejection letter from ClubMom too. And, that comes after a rejection from It’s not looking good for me!

    My hubby’s looking for a new job, too. Good luck!