An Award and An Answer From The Heavens

Woo-hoo! I got an award! The fabulous Kate from Eucalyptus Pillow (geez, I still have to look up the spelling for Eucalyptus when writing it) awarded me with a Perfect Post March ’07 award for my post about all the hatin’ on mommy bloggers that I’ve noticed lately. Thank you so much, Kate! It’s good to know others enjoyed that post.

(Although I think it was also that same post that led some troll to submit my blog’s URL to a gazillion porn and prescription drug spam blogs for linking. Classy. Ah well, as long as people can hide their identity on the internet, there will be trolls.)


So here in town, they’re building yet another strip mall up against the giant Wal-Mart. About a month ago, we drove past and I noticed the first mall occupant was in place.

I said to Aaron, “Figures. Look at that – the first store is a check cashing place.”


“Yeah, like there aren’t four other check cashing/payroll advance scam places in a one mile radius. It must be the new way to christen a new strip mall – it’s not a real strip mall unless there’s a trashy check cashing store.”


“Makes me wonder what other crap they will put in this new mall?”

“Dunno.” (Yeah, he clearly wasn’t as bothered by this as I was. Or he was just thinking about something else.)

“See, if they wanted to put something useful in there, we’d see a Starbucks with a drive-thru. Now that would be useful! We don’t have a Starbucks anywhere close by.”

“Yes, dear.” (clearly ignoring me now)

Well, I drove past that same Wal-Mart and strip mall today, and what did I see? The second business is now open, and it’s a Starbucks with a drive-thru.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Of course, knowing that someone up there is actually listening makes me happy, but I have to wonder about His or Her selective hearing. I mean, of all the things I ask for, I get the Starbucks?

Apparently the supreme being just loves coffee.

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  1. You should move to my town we have seven all with in spitting distance of my house. The crazy thing is that I don’t drink coffee.

  2. Anonymous says

    I am a lurker but I had to chime in with “WE GOT A STARBUCKS, TOO” in my small, SE Ohio town! Yippee!!

  3. Congrats on the Perfect Post Award!

    And I love the clever way you wrote about the Starbucks with a drive thru. Maybe God does love coffee. He does, of course, have to stay up around the clock to take notes of all the good and bad things we do. 😉

  4. Julie Pippert says


    We’re flooded with coffee places. That’s the good news.

    The bad news is they are “revitalizing” and “gentrifying” our town by adding in wicked expensive high rise ostentatious condos.

  5. Eh… Starbucks is so freakin expensive. I could buy a whole can of coffee for the cost of one cup! I do, however, buy some Dunkin Donuts coffee on occasion, but theirs is kinda sharp. But YAY for drive-thrus. The business men of the world should realize that more and more moms have babies in the car so they can’t always get out of the vehicle to go inside. But a drive thru? I’m there.

  6. if you were a supreme being, wouldn’t you vote for coffee over all else?

    maybe that’s just me.

    congrats on the award!

  7. Yay for the drive thru! Starbucks rocks and ditto on the check cashing places. They are just uber cheesy. 🙂

  8. I long for a Starbucks with a drive through! The only coffee drive-thrus here are Dunkin Donuts, and they don’t have soymilk. 😛

    I saw your name post over at mom-101, and my youngest is named Amelia but called Mina by the family – I didn’t know it was a name anywhere else!

    I’m glad I stopped by, you have a very cute kiddo!

  9. For us, it’s the manicure shops which appear with ever-increasing frequency. I’d almost take a check cashing place or two. Congrats on the award!

  10. I think you’re confused about who heard you ask for a Starbuck’s with a drive-thru. Don’t you know that Starbucks is owned by the Evil Empire? Wait – I mean, Doctor Evil?

  11. Congrats on the award – that post was so smart and thoughtful and spot-on. Well earned!

    And there’s no way the supreme being built this world in 7 days without caffeine. That much I know.

  12. I don’t know how I missed this post! Your very welcome on the award. It was such a well-written piece.

    And hooray for the Starbucks. Now this makes what, #1,003 in the Columbus area?