Growing ‘Em Big

As we get down to the last few weeks, we are slowly making progress in getting ready for the new baby. This weekend, I’ve managed to snag one day on Aaron’s schedule to put him to use – finding old baby gear in the garage, moving junk out of the spare bedroom to start making a nursery, etc. Clothing has been purchased, yet still needs to be washed. Cordy is refusing to give up her claim to her crib at night, but at least she sleeps in her toddler bed on those rare days she naps.

Best of all, Cordy is starting to grasp the basics about a new baby coming. We’ve tried for months to introduce the idea to her, but she just didn’t get it. However, just yesterday, after telling her half a million times that her baby sister is growing in mommy’s belly, I asked her, “Where is your baby sister?”

And she pointed to my belly.

It’s a start.

My doctor’s appointment was today, and it turns out that the chiropractor visits, the homeopathic medicine, and the last two weeks spent with my ass on the couch and my head on the floor were apparently not a waste of time. The ultrasound showed that she has turned head down!

Of course, it also showed a baby with a gigantic head who refuses to hold still and moves far more than a baby that size should. Which means that just because she’s head down at the moment doesn’t mean she will stay that way. I was instructed that when I go into labor, the first thing I should ask for at the hospital is a position check, since this child is proving that she doesn’t like to stay still.

During the ultrasound, as the doctor was examining her abdomen, we got to witness a full barrel roll. I think we were both completely amazed by this show of determination, and even more so when the doctor used her measurements to estimate the size of this girl.

She’s currently estimated at 6 pounds, 15 ounces. (yes, ultrasounds can be off in weight) Two weeks ago, she was estimated at 19.8 inches long, and I’m sure she’s broken the 20 inch mark by now. Her head is measuring at full term already.

I’ve still got 4 weeks to go. Total weight gain for me as of today: 2 pounds. She’s taking everything I have.

Apparently Aaron and I are breeding a new race of Amazons.

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  1. I know what that is like. Evan was 10 pounds 6 ounces and Harry was 11 pounds 6 ounces at birth. They did not stay that high on the growth curve though since they are both now average with Harry being a tad bit on the short side.

  2. Amazon gymnast.
    Hope that babe stays put for a little while longer.

  3. My goodness, girl! You’re getting so close to the birth day! If she’s 6 pounds now, she’ll be 8 or 9 then, huh? I don’t know how fast babies gain weight, but I do remember that Dawson was two weeks early and weighed 6 pounds. My doc said had he waited until his due date he’d have been close to ten. That still scares me. I’m kind of glad he was early.

    Good luck with this baby, I hope she stays head down!! 🙂

  4. Congrats on her turning! Here’s hoping she stays head down!

  5. Yeah! Head down! Glad to hear it, and hope she stays that way. So, are you going to teach your girls archery and hand-to-hand combat at a young age so they can start a tribe of said Amazons? ha ha!

  6. Mrs. Chicky says

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you that that baby stays in the downward position.

  7. Motherhood Uncensored says

    YES! I’m so excited for you. That rocks.

  8. We’ll be praying she stays head down!

  9. Go, Aaron! LOL

    OMG you only have a few WEEKS! That is so exciting! I’ll be thinking about you 🙂

  10. Here’s hoping she remains in the correct position.
    And, whoa, you’ve only gained 2 pounds?! For real? That is amazing.

  11. First time commenting, but I couldn’t resist! I’m 4 weeks away from full term also.

    Anyway, great news on being head down! Sounds like you’ll have a healthy, good size baby!

  12. Violet,

    Daddy is a stage-combat instructor.

    Footwork drills begin at age three.

    Lightsaber fighting has already begun. 🙂

  13. aimee / greeblemonkey says

    Wow, glad she’s getting her toosh in gear! You are in the home stretch!

  14. Hope she stays in position! 4 weeks to go huh – are you thinking big baby? lol. Both of mine were about 6 pounds with 4 weeks to go and they were both 8lbs9oz when they were born. Love your blog 🙂

  15. whoo hoo…

    so exciting!

    More giant babies

  16. L.A. Daddy says

    That’s good she turned down. Let’s hope she stays that way.

    LA Toddler hasn’t really grasped that another one is on the way. But we’re taking her to the OB today for a visit to see her brother/sister growing inside LA Mommy.

    We’ll see how that goes.

  17. AHHH!!!, I just read your post about your baby being breech and now I have hope because your baby turned. I hope my baby turns. i am going to call a chiro right now!