A Broken Record

Good god, the only thing I can think of to write about is this pregnancy. It’s like it has swallowed up the rest of my life while I sit and wait for labor to start. I am officially the most boring blogger ever.

Oh, and can I tell you how many calls I’ve had in the past week? You’d think someone had announced I was carrying the reincarnation of Elvis with the number of calls I’ve received asking, “Any baby yet?” Trust me, folks – when the baby gets here, you’ll know. We’re not secretly plotting to hide this new baby away from friends and family until she’s in school.

As for when she’ll make her grand entrance…who knows. No impending signs of labor yet, even after walking for roughly 6 hours at the zoo on Saturday. My doctor thinks she’s waiting until we pick a name for her (yes, still no name), while I think she’s just prissy and waiting for a formal invitation, on parchment paper with calligraphy, to be delivered, requesting her presence outside of my uterus at her earliest convenience.

And then there are the people who aren’t calling to ask if the baby is here yet, but instead telling me, “Just don’t have the baby on Friday. I’m busy then.” Or, “Your grandmother and aunt are out of town this week, so it would be best to wait until next week to go into labor.” Seriously, WTF? You think I can schedule labor? Has it not been made clear that I have no control over this process? Because if so, I would have decided to go into labor as soon as I hit 37 weeks to reduce my chances of having to squeeze out a 10-pound baby.

So I wait. This waiting game is maddening. While there’s no way I want to end up with another c-section, it was kinda nice to know ahead of time when I would be having a baby. And to be honest, I’m feeling pretty good. Sure, I’m tired and sore, but those are minor complaints, and for the most part, I’m still doing my daily routine. My coworkers tell me, “You’re glowing!” but I remind them that it’s 80 degrees outside, so it’s most likely sweat.

Tonight I’m finally going to pack my hospital bag and reassemble the car seat. Maybe that will convince this baby that we’re really ready for her.


I do still have a toddler, too. (Her antics of late are an entirely different post.) What’s she been up to while I ponder if this baby will be born in May or June? Well, mostly watching a lot of TV. Check out one of our newest DVD finds, Boca Beth, over at Mommy’s Must Haves, and win a copy for yourself.

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  1. I hated when my family would try to tell me when to deliver Dawson because of the “baby pool” they had going. It’s like they forget that we have no control over this stuff.

    Good luck, sweetie! I’m rootin’ for tomorrow morning. Is that too early? Where’s your baby pool? 😀

  2. Oh, the waiting… oh, the stupid comments… I feel for you! When people would suggest that I have a baby on their birthday I would remind them, “she will be born on HER birthday.” People. Yeesh.

    And no, not the most boring blog. Because we want to know what’s going on with you! :o)

  3. I remember. Very frustrating, no matter how well intentioned they are.

    BTW, could you try to not do it on Friday? I’m kinda busy.

  4. I feel you on the waiting… The last week is torture. Hang in there as soon as you go into labor the last few weeks will seem like a distant memory.

  5. Ohh…hopefully it won’t be long now!
    I am laughing a bit at this post only because I can relate to it so well. So many people would say to me “don’t go into labor on such and such a day because…blah blah blah….” I would laugh and also think WTF? *LOL*
    Although, I must confess I am checking in at your blog frequently waiting for the news

  6. She is just working on the fine art of being fashionably late.

    So excited for you guys!

  7. Major Bedhead says

    Oh, man, the waiting. It sucks. Every. freakin’. day. my husband would ask me when I was going to go into labour. Sweet suffering jebus, I don’t know! It was painful to his anal retentive little soul.

    Have you thought of a carved-in-stone invitation? Maybe she’s just really, REALLY formal. Emily Post-ish.

  8. MamaMichelsBabies says

    If pregnancy is war, you and I are on the front line together. I keep hoping to pop over and read that you went, it will be, for me, a big fat sign that I too shall see the light at the end of this tunnel. Or better yet, he will go towards the light at the end of the tunnel. Either way, he needs to get out.

    Maybe instead of a big fancy invitation, an eviction notice, signed and made legal by a judge and whatnot might do the trick…

    Oh and my husbands boss keeps telling him I’d better hurry up because he’s got plans next week…. it’s even worse when it’s someone telling your spouse you better hurry up and go. The asshat.

  9. Oh the waiting game truly sucks. Hang in there – only a short time to go. (Even though I know you don’t want to hear that).

  10. I remember my stepmom remarking that my due date and the surrounding week were very inconvenient for her.

    Yeah? And?

    Anyhoo, I sure hope you go into labor soon, Christina, because this weekend really isn’t going to work for me, k?

  11. Julie Pippert says

    What I think is that most of your readers understand. I do. 🙂

    Good luck. Seriously. 🙂

  12. I think you have a better chance of going into labour if you don’t pack your bag or assemble your car seat.

    Glad you’re feeling good, though I can’t believe that you’re still at work!

  13. aimee / greeblemonkey says

    I bought a Boca Beth music CD after reading Builder Mama’s review!

  14. smashedpea says

    Yep, the waiting is not fun… hope you don’t go over even….

    My own mother likes to schedule her vacations around the times grandbabies are about to be born or are about to have a first xmas or something, and no one is quite sure what that’s all about. She seems to love them just fine, but apparently still prefers to be away some place…. Doesn’t bother me since she’s on another continent anyway, but my sister goes bonkers every single time.

    Hope you get your VBAC!!

  15. BeingParents says

    Everyone waits, but waiting is not easy.


  16. What I always hated were the “you haven’t had that baby YET??” comments. Made me want to go for their throats 🙂

  17. Stephanie says

    Oh that must be frustrating. I hope you have that little princess soon so you won’t have to worry about it anymore. Good Luck, I’ll be thinking about you, and praying for a safe delivery.

  18. Jennifer says

    I’m so incredibly annoyed that ANYONE would ever say these types of things. Idiots, I say. Idiots.

    I did specifically check you first on my overfilled Google reader to see if you’d had your baby, but I promise I wasn’t going to ask. And I hope you have the baby soon, for your sake!

    Good luck!