And A Stroke Is Just A Headache

Actually seen on a labor and childbirth message board:

I’m 38 weeks and just took a Tylenol for a headache, but now I’m worried. What if I go into labor and can’t feel it? Could the Tylenol keep me from knowing if I go into labor?

Now, I’ll admit up front that I’ve never gone through labor, so I don’t have full knowledge of the pain involved. But if a Tylenol can completely mask the pain of labor, then pregnant women everywhere would be screaming out for Tylenol instead of epidurals, and drug dealers would be selling Tylenol dime bags just outside the hospital and OB offices.

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  1. Oh, that is FUNNY. It’s true though what they say: Don’t worry, you’ll know!

  2. Oh my gosh!!! Some people really are too dumb to be having kids.

  3. That is really funny – and I really like what you said – the picture of drug dealers outside L&D selling dime bags of Tylenol is too much! hee hee hee hee hee hee!

  4. having gone through about 12 hours of constant contractions and then having a c-section for the duo…
    tell her trust us, you can’t miss it.

  5. Ha! That is the funniest thing I’ve read today. I wish I had that miraculous Tylenol. 😉

  6. OMG. I have an entire list of stupid ass shit from message boards (which I actually may have posted about way back when). But this one just may take the prize.

  7. I’m laughing so loud at work right now. That is one of the funniest things I’ve read in awhile.

  8. MamaMichelsBabies says

    Bahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Oh my, that made my day. Really. Tylenol… and here I’ve been doing this drug free because needles scare the crap out of me.. Who knew?

  9. Jen Magnuson says

    Ahahahaaa! Even an epidural doesn’t always work. How funny! I wish they’d bring back the technique of gassing the mom and having us wake up when the kid is one.

  10. Dear lord, that woman is in for quite a few shocks in the next 18 years or so.

  11. Jennifer says


    Poor thing. She has no idea.

  12. LOL. That’s the best (read: stupidest) pregnancy question I’ve ever read. Oh, if only Tylenol were that awesome.

  13. That must be some serious blackmarket tylenol!!

  14. T with Honey says

    Even if Tylenol was that kind of a wonder drug I bet she’d realize that something was happening once her water broke. Then again, maybe she wouldn’t.

  15. Mommy off the Record says

    LMAO. She must be a first-time preggo. I’d hate to be there when she enters labor and reality hits. Cuz there ain’t nuthin’ Tylenol can do for her! 🙂

  16. Major Bedhead says

    Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Hysterical.

  17. Karianna says

    Wow. It is truly amazing what people may believe.

    I’ve heard lesser variations on that, revolving around fear of not making it to the hospital in time, whereas most women show up way too early because they don’t realize that they are only in “early” labor with contractions that are way smaller than they would imagine given their pain perception.

  18. Wow. I’m thinking “idiot” is the only word that one could respond to such a notion.
    Tylenol masking labor….
    I shake my head and laugh.
    And then say, “You wish, hunny. You. Wish.”

  19. THIS was too funny!

  20. LMAO! uhhh, I just took a tylenol, do you think I’d notice if I accidentally cut my arm off?!?!

  21. bizybee06 says

    Trust me, when you go into “true labor”, you will definitely feel it. There is no way that even something as strong as percercot could mask those pains.

  22. OMG – she’s going to be in for a big surprise when she actually does go into labor! Tylenol ain’t gonna do shit for her pain!

    That is so freakin’ funny. Thanks for the laugh, I needed it 🙂

  23. Julie Pippert says


    I recall with #1 being worried whether I could distinguish BH from real contractions, and concerned I might miss losing the mucus plug, etc.

    But to not feel labor from one Tylenol? Oh boy I wish!

    You crack me up. Dime bags of Tylenol.

  24. oh, if only! Also, if tylenol worked, imagine what Motrin might do!?!

  25. a happier girl says

    Dude, that’s funny. It’s unlikely a Tylenol will mask the feeling of your entire body clenching up like it’s going to explode any second.

  26. Her Bad Mother says

    If there is a Tylenol for masking labour, I need to know where to get me some.

  27. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    and you correctly labled this post under “idiots” LOLOLOLOLOL!

  28. If only that were true, it would have saved me some trouble *LOL*

    Hope you are feeling good!