Due Date, With Nothing Arriving

I wish I could tell you all that I’m in labor, but I’m not. Today is my due date, and I had my weekly meeting with my doctor this morning, but sadly I was given the medical equivalent of being told, “She’s ordering curtains to brighten up the place.” Nothing has changed at all – still 1.5 centimeters dilated, still barely effaced, no real contractions. This kid has no plans to leave anytime soon.

The nurse gave me a sympathetic smile today and said, “Well, at least you haven’t gained any weight! That’s good, right?” I’d like to share her optimism, but I know that while the scale may not show any gain on my part, the baby is still growing. She was estimated at over 7 pounds a month ago. The larger she gets, the harder she will be to get out.

I suppose there’s still time for her to show up today – about 11 hours, to be exact. Starting off life fashionably late may be OK for some, but in our family it isn’t an endearing trait. Aaron can’t tolerate being late for anything, so if she’s late I have a feeling Aaron will greet his new daughter with, “Hi, you’re grounded.”

We did make good progress this weekend in prepping for her arrival. The co-sleeper is assembled and ready to go. She has clean clothing folded in drawers. She has plenty of diapers, all in size 1, of course, since I doubt she’ll need the newborn size at all. Her car seat was washed and sits waiting for an occupant. My hospital bag is mostly packed.

So I must continue to wait for Ms. Stubborn Baby #2 to decide she’s ready. And yeah, still no definite name – or maybe that’s all she’s really waiting on? Maybe she’s some kind of backwards Rumpelstiltskin who won’t appear until we can correctly guess her name?

Edited to add: I wrote about last night’s bedtime adventure with Cordy over at my Family.com blog, Cirque du Mommy. Go there to see how it went.

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  1. I’ve never experienced waiting to go into labor. I was induced two weeks early because of pre-eclampsia.

    I share your fears about the size of your baby!

    Dawson was 7 1/2 lbs two weeks early. My doctor swears he’d have been at least 9 if he was full term because he’d been gaining a pound a week according to each ultrasound I had.

  2. Bub was 5 days late and Pie was 6 days late – and those combined 11 days were as long as the rest of my life so far altogether. These days of waiting are so hard.

    But – don’t get too worried about size. Pie was a big baby – 9 lbs, 7 oz. – and delivering her was a piece of cake: 7 hours of labour, a few quick pushes, no stitches.

  3. Jennifer says

    i’m definitely thinking of you!!! hope baby gets here soon…for your sake!!

  4. My kids both came 4 weeks early so I really can’t say I KNOW how you’re feeling. But I can understand your concerns! Maybe she’s waiting for you to name her!

  5. Labor vibes coming your way! Good luck – hang in there!

    Both my kids were about 3 days late.

  6. just want to echo B&P. Being late sucks, but bigger doesn’t necessarily mean harder. My unsolicited doula advice? Spending lots of time trying to “spin her” into position…check out the spinning babies website, easily googled, anything worth a shot right? In the meantime, hang in there.

  7. just checking on you! Loved the grounded comment from Aaron. Too funny.

    Hope you get to meet her soon!

  8. Karianna says

    Well, I am eagerly awaiting your name choice, too, so I hope she arrives quickly. Hopefully seeing her will help you decide, and satisfy the rest of us impatient folk! 🙂

  9. come ooooooon baby rumplestilskin!

  10. Bee was 8 days late, but I was so convinced that I would go, like, two weeks over, that she kind of felt early.

    Wishing you lots of dilation overnight.

  11. Mrs. Chicky says

    Like I told Liz when she was waiting for Sage to come, I’ll have an Uno’s pepperoni pizza in your honor because that’s what finally made Chicky leave the comfort of my uterus.

  12. MamaMichelsBabies says

    I’m so nervous getting ready for tomorrow myself, it’s a different world when your expecting it compared to when it just happens. I think it’s easier when it just happens. Less time to fret over everything.

    I’ll be sending some lovely contraction vibes your way tomorrow and I hope to come back to find that you’ve gone in.

    I know you want a vbac, and I hope you have the experience your wishing for, just remember, it’s whatever gets em out healthy.

    Oh, and my big ones were way easier then my little ones. Way easier.

  13. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    I came to check in and see how things were going. No baby yet. Yeah, I think she’s waiting for a name too. Aren’t you a little stressed about that? We haven’t come up with any girls names, mostly because I feel like it’s a boy….hahaha, I’ll be freaking out if it’s a girl and I don’t have a name!!!

  14. Anonymous says

    Let’s go, Desdemona! Head down? Here’s to an easy birth.

  15. Wow – I am sorry … big and late …. last week I was 35 weeks and she (Tatum) was meassuring at 6 lbs already … I have another ultra sound scheduled for May 31 … they will more than likely induce me at 38 weeks.
    I wish you the best of luck and I will be sending Labor vibes your way all day!

  16. doula_tam says

    here’s wishing you a quick and easy labour.

  17. Good luck to you! I know how it sucks to sit around and wait to go into labor. My stubborn little one was 2 weeks late! However, she was my first, so you shouldn’t have to wait that long. Any news from your doctor about inducing?

  18. I shall YELL at her from California.

    Not tomorrow…not Thursday…but FRIDAY.

    I say Friday.

  19. aimee / greeblemonkey says

    Now you need to wait for Saturday. May 26, my anniversary. Just cause I said so. 😉