Filtered and Non-Filtered Conversation

While in line at the cafe at work today:

Woman: Wow, look at you – you’re ready to pop! When are you due?

Me: Yesterday.

Woman: Oh, that must be awful to be past due! Are you in a lot of pain?

Me: (trying to avoid this conversation) I’m a little sore, but it’s not bad.

Woman: Well, what are you waiting for? Why not cut that baby out and get it over with?

Me: *blink blink*

Possible responses that flash by in my head:

Gee, I’m not so fond of major abdominal surgery.

Yeah, damn that little brat for being one day past the arbitrary date set by a calendar! I’ll show her who’s in charge!

My doctor has advised me not to take advice from idiot strangers with no medical background.

Huh, why didn’t I think of that? Got a knife?

Tried that once – not for me.

It’s a baby, not a tumor to be cut out at will.

Oh, that useless brain in your head must be awful! Why not just cut it out and get it over with?

What I actually say:

Me: (resisting urge to lecture on the complication risks of elective c-sections) She’ll come when she’s ready.

Sometimes I hate that little filter between my brain and mouth, especially when dealing with people who clearly have no filter. I mean, really – who asks something like that?

I think at this point I’d rather wear a shirt that says, “Just awkwardly fat, not pregnant” to avoid these types of conversations.

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  1. 3carnations says

    Yikes. That was one obnoxious comment. Good response.

  2. LOL. I would have went with the one about cutting her useless brain out. Some people really have some nerve!

  3. Unbelievable!

  4. Karianna says

    “Because then I couldn’t patron the dime-bag-Tylenol-guy when I finally do go into labor…”

  5. Where did I go wrong with the part that you kept your mouth shut … I would have been like okay rude ass how bout you have c-section for me …
    But I would not mind a c-section … I feel like that gives me more control of the situation but I am weird so whatever!

  6. I hope you go into labour soon just so that you can be done with idiot questions.

  7. You should have gone with the brain comment. Women this close to -slash- over their due date are given certain leeway. You should have capitalized!

  8. What. An. Idiot.

  9. Amanda Cowan says

    oh man! seriously the nerve of some people!! It’s so common anymore to just say “well I want her born on this specific day or I don’t want her to be too big so lets’ just get induced/schedule a c/s”. Good lord! Good luck though! I’ve still got 6 weeks and I’m ready to be done so I can’t imagine going past like I did with my daughter (though I will if that is what this little one needs). Hope she’s ready to come soon!

  10. My baby arrived 3 days late- he was out in half an hour. I wish you the same!! Ignore the stupid ones and turn off all your phones!!!

  11. Oh. My. God. Oh my God!
    I believe the word I am looking for is flabbergasted.

  12. Hmm. That was a good one. Haven’t heard that before. Too bad you were so nice!

    (You do realize that we’re all just waiting for you to deliver, right? just kidding!)

  13. smashedpea says

    Yeah, ignore them as best you can. I went two weeks over with my first one and these sorts of comments just kept coming, mainly from strangers, but also from various staff at medical offices.

    Good thing midwives are so much saner and more supportive than that!

    Hope she’ll come out soon, on her own time!

  14. Dana J. Tuszke says

    Yikes! What a blunt way to say something. That woman should have inserted her foot into her mouth at that moment.

  15. I told someone that I wasn’t pregnant when they asked how far along I was and they looked like they were about to DIE! Serves them right – they need to be sure that they are asking the right question!! LOL

  16. DAAAAAAAAAAAMN. You know the Douglas Adams explanation for people saying shit like that, right? When humans’ mouths are open, their brains turn off.

    And, I guess you’re working until you go into labor? I was thinking that a good way to avoid shit like that would be to hole up at home until the baby comes. ha ha! But I imagine from generally reading along that your time off needs to not start until the baby’s actually on her way, eh?

    Big hugs and best of luck – I am thinking of you every day and wishing you all kinds of happy thoughts for labor and delivery!

  17. Jen Magnuson says

    I hate people sometimes. After my son was born last July, he was in the hospital for two weeks. When they would draw blood or do things that I couldn’t stand to watch, I would walk across the street to the gorcery store and get snacks, or a magazine. Every time I had to endure the “When are you due? You’re about to pop!” I hate that phrase. I especially hate it when I’ve already given birth.

  18. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    Your tshirt idea cracked me up! But man, who says something like that to a pregnant woman? Crazy!

  19. aimee / greeblemonkey says

    People kill me.

  20. Jennifer says

    I’m proud of your ability to not kick the woman, you know, a knee jerk reaction.

    Sheesh. People lose all brain cells when talking to pregnant women, I think.

  21. Did I miss the memo that it’s okay to say whatever’s on your mind? I can’t believe this lady would ever utter such comments. I’m sorry that you’re even having to deal with people like that.

  22. Hang in there!

  23. Authormom says

    OMG you are so funny!!! I am surprised that Ellen Degeneres hasn’t contacted you to write for her. I am writing a book about moms. If you are interested in submitting a story—this one would be GREAT—email me at [email protected]

    Thanks for the huge laugh. You really were too nice to her.

    Have an AWESOME delivery! I am jealous—-waiting for grandkids at my age.
