If You Have To Ask, It’s Probably Too Fancy For You

Wow, it’s Wednesday already? Where has the week gone? Oh yeah, I remember now – I’ve been so busy trying to get things done before this baby comes and the rest of my life gets put on hold for a month or so.

The quick update: No baby yet. I’m 37 weeks, 1.5 centimeters dilated, no effacement. No name yet. Still waiting on that burst of energy known as the “nesting instinct” and wishing it would show up soon, because I could really use a little boost to get all this cleaning done. I’m starting to wonder if I’ve evolved past that particular instinct, because I feel like I could sleep all day long.

Last night, Aaron and I were treated to a very nice dinner. His brother and brother’s girlfriend gave us a gift certificate to a fancy restaurant and promised babysitting as well so that we could have a night out as a couple before our lives are once again thrown upside down by a howling infant. It was a welcome break.

When I say fancy restaurant, I mean fancy. This place was based around their very large collection of high-quality wines (oh, the temptation!). It was a small-ish menu compared to the huge wine list. However, it took us a long time to consider what to order, mostly because we had no idea what half of the menu items were.

There was no bacon cheeseburger or pasta alfredo on the menu; instead, we had to look like the uncultured heathens that we are by asking for menu translations. “What exactly is beef carpaccio? How does Napa slaw differ from regular coleslaw? Can we get no anchovies on the caesar salad? Chili pepper-flavored ice cream – seriously?” (That last question was mine – Aaron has had chili ice cream before. And here I thought I had more sophisticated tastes.)

The meal was excellent, and we finished it off with a layered chocolate and cashew mousse with a fried marshmallow peep “O” – an Ohio State tribute dessert. Total cost for the meal, before tip: $50.71. Total cost to us, with tip: $10.00. Woo-hoo!

Our waitress encouraged us to come back after we have the baby to show her off, but seeing how one meal there is the equivalent of 5-7 meals out normally, it probably won’t happen. But it was so much fun to have that time together last night, talking like adults, with no toddler to entertain at the table, and sit down to a meal that didn’t include french fries or ketchup.

Edited to add: Thank you so much to everyone who shared advice for Liz, Tammie and myself in the Virtual Baby Shower. You’re all awesome. I’ve made some progress getting through the generous outpouring of advice and laughing at all of the assvice as well. It may take a few more days, but I promise I’ll read every single post.

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  1. I’m happy to hear you got a night away to yourselves! I miss those days!

    What an great time. And did you have the beef carpaccio? I’ve always wondered about that meal.

  2. I had the beef carpaccio. Being very rare meat, it didn’t seem like the thing for Christina to have.

    It was ok, but not really for me. I like my meat more well done.

  3. Karianna says

    Nice to have a night out, indeed! Best of luck with the waiting game.

  4. Jennifer says

    How nice to have a night out!

    I was 2 cm last week, now I’m only 1!! I’ve never heard of such a thing. And no nesting instinct here either.

  5. “I’m 37 weeks, 1.5 centimeters dilated, no effacement. No name yet.”

    Change that to “I’m 39.5 weeks, less than 1 cm dilated, no effacement, no name yet” and you’ve got me.


    We also had a fancy night out (sort of) last weekend and as a last hurrah I thoroughly enjoyed it. Glad you did too. Although $50 for two? Wow. Just wow. I need to get out of NYC more.

  6. Good luck with labor. Glad you got a night out before the birth!

  7. Major Bedhead says

    I was thinking the same thing – $50 for two for dinner is getting away cheap.

    It sounds like a nice meal. The dessert sounds yummy. What a nice gift!

  8. YAY! date night. Glad you both had some time to yourself.

    Love your belly shots! Those are awesome.

  9. MamaMichelsBabies says

    I’m as far along as you, just as dilated, and have a name I am not totally in love with myself, but I like it better then any of the others… so that counts for something right?

    50 for a night out like that? I wish and I live in the Mid West hicksville… only decent resteraunt in this city and your getting hit over the head while they steal your purse and jewelry.

    Glad you had fun.

  10. What a great gift! Glad you both had a night out together before the next major life change. How exciting! It won’t be long now 🙂

  11. WI Mommy says

    Sounds like a great night out – you gotta take a break from Applebee’s sometimes!!

  12. There was no bacon cheeseburger or pasta alfredo

    lololol..that’s me all the way!

    It’s Friday. You could be off having a baby by now! But hopefully you get your nesting energy burst first. I remember feeling like I wouldn’t be ready to have my babies until I had completed this ever growing list of cleaning tasks.

    If you could see my house now… I could use a good burst of nesting energy myself 🙂

  13. aimee / greeblemonkey says

    no baby yet?? what’s the DEAL???

  14. That’s great that you and Aaron got a night out. Didn’t you say that your nesting instinct never kicked in when you were pregnant with Cordy? Maybe you are comfortable enough in your home as it is and nothing needs to be changed! That’s pretty cool. :o)

    Happy waiting, and I hope a name comes to you when you need it. If not, well, there’s always “little girl” and “the baby” until you figure it out – or until she’s old enough to name herself. I’ll bet Cordy has some ideas for you! ha ha! Though if she’s anything like Sweet Pea, maybe you don’t want to go with what she says. My sister encouraged Sweet Pea to insist that we should name The Bug “Boggle Joggle.” She had a lot of fun with that. ha ha!

  15. I am really looking forward to the day that we can go out for dinner just the 2 of us again. 3 weeks huh – well here’s how I got things moving (or should I say my mom) She made me clean the fireplace, wash the exterior windows and bake a casserole. While washing the window the paper towel blew away down the grass so I ran (40 weeks prego) to catch it and slowly dropped to my knees to tackle it. I went into labout 4 hours later 🙂