No Baby Yet

That may just be the title of every post from now until I go into labor, since it’s the primary subject people are wanting to read about. Then again, maybe I shouldn’t make it the title, or you might just skip over the post, having already read the most important news.

I’ll be 38 weeks tomorrow, and still nothing. I spent the weekend walking as much as possible (including getting to spend some time at the zoo with Kate and her kids!). Lots of painless contractions, but nothing regular.

Aaron and I were lucky to land babysitting last night so we could see Spiderman 3. The trailers before the movie showed many of the movies we’re looking forward to seeing this summer. Only I’ll have just had a baby. Plus we have a toddler. And few people want to babysit a newborn and a toddler.

While this baby was planned, I now realize that I should have looked forward a little to the entertainment schedule for May and June. Columbus isn’t exactly a hotbed of exciting things to do, but the next two months are busy. Figures – as soon as I’m busy with a new baby, all the cool stuff comes to town.

First, there are the movies. Spiderman 3 is just the first of the movies we want to see this summer. I really want to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3, as well as Shrek the Third. (What is it with the trilogies this summer?) Then there’s Harry Potter a little later.

I also discovered the Cirque du Soleil is coming to Columbus for the second half of May.

In theatre, two shows I would love to see will be here in June. First, The Complete History of America (Abridged), followed immediately by the musical Wicked.

While the theatre and the Cirque are most certainly off the list, we may still make it to the movies. One idea is to find a drive-in theatre somewhere in town to see the movies, having Cordy go to bed with a babysitter at the house, and taking the baby with us to the movie.

However, in the grand scheme of (admittedly shallow) entertainment pursuits, I did one thing right: I made sure I’ll be mostly recovered and ready for BlogHer 07 at the end of July. Priorities, people!

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  1. Ooooh, Cirque! Too bad you won’t make it to that. But you know they’ll come through town again with a new show sometime when you can – that’s some small comfort, right?

    Are you expecting to go into labor early, or just counting down? Did baby ever turn? Please forgive me if I already read about and should know the answer to that – I keep thinking I remember it both ways.

  2. aimee / greeblemonkey says

    1. How was Spider-Man?

    2. It’s Spider-Man, with a hyphen.

    3. Harry Potter is July 13th and it’s a #5, not #3.

    4. I am the biggest nerd on the face of the entire planet.

  3. Looking forward to meeting you at BlogHer!

  4. Yes, yes! BlogHer is the most important thing! After all, I’ll be there. Heh.

    And you’re bringing the fam, right? I can’t wait to meet little Cordy and #2!! That is, of course, if it works out that way. 🙂

  5. I cannot believe that you were able to sit through a movie in the theatre! How many times did you have to get up to pee 😉

  6. Her Bad Mother says

    Oh, I miss movies. We’ve been to, like, ONE movie since WB was born. Sad, sad, sad. How was Spidey?

  7. MamaMichelsBabies says

    That’s crazy, your the exact same time along as I am, I also turn 38 weeks tomorrow. This waiting game is a killer.

    Not to big on Spiderman, with 3 boys right now I’m so SM’ed out I could scream. We have spiders everywhere in this house and none of them I can kill. He’s taking over the world.

    Although a new dose of Depp in that costume is looked forward too very much!

  8. nomotherearth,

    We’ve seen Wicked before. Two years ago it was in Cincinnati during our anniversary, so we traveled down for it. That was totally worth it.

    I too am a theatre geek, as is Christina.


    Spider-Man (I’d have corrected her if you hadn’t) was good. Not an incredible film like the first two, but solidly watchable.

  9. Jennifer says

    I know what you mean about cool things happening when you are about to have a newborn!

    All winter, nothing exciting. Now that it’s summer there are so many interesting things to do. And there’s the beach. Not fair.

    Wish I was going to BlogHer…hopefully next year.

  10. nomotherearth says

    Wicked is amazing and a must-see. We arranged babysitting when the Boy was 4 months old just to see it. Worth it! (I’m a theatre geek, though)