What Will The Night Hold?

Cordy loves her crib. She has a beautiful toddler bed, a Christmas gift from grandma, placed directly across from her crib, but she is still devoted to her crib. We’re at the point where she will nap in her toddler bed (on those rare days she naps), but at night she cries out for her crib and insists on being placed in her cage. I think she feels safe in the confined high bars of her crib.

We can’t wait any longer, though. While baby #2 will be in our room for the first few months, she will need a crib eventually. So today we started Phase 1 of Operation: Crib Eviction.

When Cordy goes to bed in an hour or so, this is what she will be greeted with:

We took the front rail off the crib, and added the toddler guard rail. No more confinement in her crib from here on out. Luckily, she can’t open doors yet (I know, a 2 and 3/4 year old who can’t open a door – a rarity, right?), so no worries about her getting out of her room.

So her choices at bedtime tonight will be her toddler bed…

…or her modified crib. Either way, no high rail.

I have no idea what level of hell we’re in for tonight, but I’m preparing for the worst. It could be a long night.

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  1. Ooooh, good luck! And we have almost the same exact crib. Nice!

  2. Good luck!!! Evan did great with his change to the toddler bed but then he is an easy going guy and takes to change quite well.

  3. I wish you the best of luck and I hope that it goes well … good luck and I will be looking for the update soon!

  4. MamaMichelsBabies says

    I wish I had advice, but once the kid is out of the crib we tend to co sleep for a while during the transition phase… not sure how that happened and it wasn’t a decision that was made, more one that just kinda happened and ended up working out with all of them.

    Good luck though, ok, maybe I do have an idea.. perhaps a new blanket she gets to pick out as a big girl blanket, make a big deal out of it but let her know she can only use it on the big girl bed? Just an idea, and I don’t know if it’s even a good one. Here’s to hoping!

  5. Best of luck.
    We are going through a similar transition, trying to move Bee from our bed to hers. Hopefully she will stop resisting some time before baby #2 arrives in about 5 months.

    Either that or we’ll be getting a king-sized bed.

  6. I’m thinking good thoughts about this for you, and hoping to hear that sleeing in either toddler bed or modified crib was a success. My daughter is going to be 2 at the end of June. I plan on keeping the crib as long as possible. We did buy the crib that turns into toddler bed (almost exactly like yours). I dread the time we switch to the bed. Zoe is such a great sleeper and I’m afraid of ruining it. So… I’m hoping all goes well for you!!!

  7. ohhhh I hope you all get some sleep!

  8. All the best with the new bed.

  9. Cakes loves her crib too.

    Good luck!

  10. I can’t wait to hear how it went!

  11. Good luck. And BTW, my 3 1/2 year old has only JUST learned how to open doors.

  12. aimee / greeblemonkey says

    I bet you are one sleepy puppy.

  13. smashedpea says

    We just evicted our almost 2 year old from her crib, also to make room for her younger sibling (due in 5 weeks).

    We started like you did – putting the new bed into her room, convincing her to nap there (not that she did that often, but we tried….), changing her clothes on it, letting her play on it, etc. She liked the bed, knew it was hers – but no dice with the sleeping.

    Until this weekend. We took apart the crib and Sophie watched, and we talked to her some more about sleeping in her big bed. All she had to say was “No, tank you!!”. Many times, with varying degrees of emphasis 🙂

    It only really sunk in for her that same night when we got her ready for bed. Her eyes widened and she was obviously trying to figure things out – but in the end, she went into her new bed without too much of a problem. Cried very briefly, for less than a minute, and then she started talking to her doll about “Faffie seeping big bed!” and that was the end of it. She’s been sleeping and napping in it since and we haven’t had any complaints – though I’m sure she’d never have gone for it if the crib were still available.