And So It Begins…

(Mira is crying)

Cordy: Mister Mommy? (Where does she get “mister” from?)

Me: Yes, Cordy?

Cordy: The baby is hungry.

Me: You think she’s hungry? Should we feed her?

Cordy: Nooooo.

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  1. Ooooooooooooooooh boy.

  2. who needs a baby monitor when you have a Cordy?! How cute!

  3. HA!

    The baby is hungry let’s eat without her!

  4. Too funny! And reminds me of my own upbringing with my negligent (obviously I still harbor scars. 🙂

  5. Oh my. That is funny!

    Are you getting much sleep?

  6. Awwww. She loves her. I can tell. 🙂

  7. mister mommy. i’m sorry, but that’s hilarious 😉


    Shit. I know I’m in for it too.

  9. dakotablueeyes says

    too cute

  10. Mrs. Chicken says

    Bonded already! 🙂

  11. Jennifer Playgroupie says

    Just remember, toddlers’ answers to all questions is “no”!

  12. It’s nice of Cordy to address Mira’s needs and then not want to meet them!

  13. Ryan was 26 months when Nathan was born, and after that, every time we were out and heard a baby crying, he would get all worried and say “Mama, baby cwying, baby cwying”, like, why wasn’t I picking up that baby?!

  14. lmfao- what the hell are you teaching your kids?! lol

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