Where Does My Time Go?

Where my time went prior to Mira:

5-7 hours – sleep
2-3 hours – blogging (often combined with watching TV, below)
8 hours – working, or if not working, entertaining Cordy and running errands
1 hour – cleaning or paying bills
1/2 hour – shower, personal care
2 hours – driving
4 hours – watching TV (only 2 of those watching TV that isn’t for Cordy)
1 hour – eating

Where my time goes now:

4-5 hours – sleep (on a good day)
1-2 hours – blogging (on a good day)
1 hour – eating (on a good day)
1/2 hour – shower, personal care (shower every other day)
1-2 hours – playing with Cordy or just giving her attention
1-2 hours – watching TV (blogging or nursing during this time, too)
1-2 hours – doing the “stop fussing, baby” dance around the house while holding Mira
8 hours or more – chained to my chair breastfeeding (not counting the hours she feeds overnight while in bed with us)

You’ll notice very little time in there for things like, oh, housecleaning or bill paying. We’re doing the minimum needed to get by at this point.

It’s amazing how much time goes into a newborn. I used to think I was a busy person before we had Mira. Now I think I had the leisurely life and didn’t realize how easy it was. With one child, the parents are a true tag team: one can be on duty while the other is doing something else. Need a break? Tag the other parent into the ring.

Now we’re in a full two on two battle. The kids don’t take turns with their needs, meaning they often each need something at the same time. Each parent is generally keeping an eye on one child. If I shower, I take Cordy up to our bedroom with us, so she can play there while I shower, keeping the shower curtain open halfway to watch her.

Next week I’ll start learning how to deal with both at the same time on my own, when Aaron goes back to work part time. Hopefully I’ll be able to find a way to manage other than sitting in my chair nursing Mira and throwing Fruity Cheerios on the floor to appease Cordy while she watches Noggin.

This post is part of the Light Iris and Parent Bloggers Network Blog Blast. If you’d like to join in, simply write a post on the topic, “Where does my time go?” before midnight tonight, and e-mail Parent Bloggers to let them know. One blogger will be chosen at random to win a full 2-day conference pass to BlogHer ’07!

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  1. You are a brave, brave woman.

  2. You’re scaring me. Tho I did like the part about throwing fruity cheerios at Cordy to appease her!

  3. Jennifer Playgroupie says

    Oh my goodness, we are twins! Except I throw raisins…I know, a choking hazard. And we watch at least 4 episodes of blues clues a day.

    Ya do whatcha gotta do!

  4. Don’t think i should keep reading until I have the baby … you are scaring me … haha
    Hang in there soon you will be a pro jsut like you were with Cordy!

  5. I always think I’m so busy — I can’t imagine having a second baby right now!

    Good luck to you next week when Aaron goes back to work!

  6. It DOES get easier. It does. (Notice, I didn’t say EASY, but easIER). It’s that turnaround with the time spent not sleeping and nursing all the time. Remember that?? Yeah. The magic 3-6 month marker.

  7. aimee / greeblemonkey says

    All I can say is EEEEEKKKKS!

    Hang in there sister.

  8. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    I’m seeing into my future! Scary! I know I’ll definatley being doing the cheeios throwing! LOL

  9. I think I would freak out with two children alone those first few weeks. I’m glad Aaron was there to help!

  10. MamaMichelsBabies says

    It does get easier… or at least that’s what I tell myself now that my 2 year old has figured out fully that Mommy can’t get up and chase his heathen butt down when feeding the baby. That and I chant in my head “I WILL like him again”

    I like the fruity cheerio’s idea, gonna haveta try it.

  11. At least those Fruity Cheerios are made with real fruit juice so they are, you know, healthy. Good Mommy!

  12. Oh don’t get me started on bill paying. I think the cable company has a hit out on me.