Sick Day Post

It’s been a downright poop-tastic few days here. We’re trying the diapers many of you recommended, and I can tell you that none of them can hold up to a massive stomach bug. At first I thought it was the result of too much fun (read about our weekend at Cirque du Mommy), but with the addition of a high fever this afternoon, I’m thinking it’s more likely the result of being around other kids and her new found love of licking her hands.

So instead of one coherent post, you get a post of me rambling about a few little things. Like my sick child, and my hope that she doesn’t pass it on to Mira. I will say, though, that even when she’s sick, she’s still polite. As I handed her a sippy cup of Pedialyte while she was laying (lying?) on the couch, she looked up at me with half opened eyes and said, “Thank you, mommy.” Awwww…


For those of you with little ones, FlipFlop Mamma turned me on to this contest. You can win a Moby wrap from SuperMomz. I’m a big fan of baby carriers right now, since I have the World’s Most Unhappy Baby who insists on never being put down. If you want to enter the contest as well, be sure to click here for details.


Speaking of cranky babies – it seems The New Girl is having her own problems with her fussy baby, and is encouraging others to show off their babies in the height of a screaming session. We know all about fussy here. Sadly I have no advice because none of the tricks work regularly for us, so we must wait until she grows out of it. And it’s tough. Just last week we had a moment where everyone in the house was crying at the same time.

Getting a pic of Mira screaming is easier than getting a pic of her looking peaceful. Here’s just a few from today:


Another contest to tell you about! Have you seen all the crazy prizes that 5 Minutes For Mom is giving away? Go there and enter before July 4 for a chance to win an ice cream maker, mommy business cards, a baby wrap, t-shirts, a fabulous vacation, and more!


We have our BlogHer reservations in place, but I’m wondering: is anyone else staying at the Chicago City Centre? I wanted to stay at the W, but missed getting my reservation there by one stupid procrastinating day. I’m just curious if everyone will be at the W, or if there might be a few folks with us at the City Centre? Will we be cut off from the cool crowd?

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  1. Oh, the crying photos. Yep we have lots.

    (Psst…call the W. I did a week after it was “sold out” and got in so who knows.)

  2. Well, I gotta say, even screamy Mira is still pretty darn cute. Then again, I do get the silent version.

    And about the W – you won’t be cut off from the cool crowd. Me and the fifty thousand other women not going? We will be cut off from the cool crowd.

  3. You know, my heartrate increases just looking at those photos.

  4. Little Mira is cute even when she’s crying. I suppose that’s because I can’t hear her. I hope it lessens soon! Sorry to hear Cordy is sick. Dawson caught a cold, too.

  5. Anonymous says

    sorry you guys are not well……i live in delaware—-call me and i can do some baby holding!

    couple of other things—-i saw a posting on another site about free diaper samples at costco. maybe that might work for cordy? it is a house brand. also, when you have time i would love to pick your ear about doulas. i am thinking about going back to school and am interested. i am an rn now so i am certainly knowledgeable about email is [email protected]. and if it takes you weeks to answer, i understand. i have a 17,11,10 yr old myself! feel better babies!

  6. Her Bad Mother says

    Oooh, she is KEEEEYOOT when she’s angry!!!!

  7. MamaMichelsBabies says

    Ahhh even a cranky Mira is a cute Mira. I promise later, you’ll look at them pics and it won’t hurt so much. And the ringing in your ears will stop.

    Hey, go take a peek over my way. Got some love for ya Mama.

  8. hope the massive poopage clears up soon!
    Hopefully we will get to see you soon.

  9. Dana stole what I was going to say: Mira is still a doll, even when screaming, but I guess that’s because we don’t have to actually hear her screaming!

    Hope everyone feels better soon. We’ve had the diarrhea fun over our way, too.

  10. the new girl says

    Why do other people’s screaming kids still look way cute to me and MY OWN screaming kid looks like she’s going to hurt me??

    I’m afraaaaid of her. lol.

    Awesome pics.

  11. dakotablueeyes says

    Happy 4th of July!

  12. WI Mommy says

    Just to agree with what has already been said – CUTE screaming baby!! Hope everyone is smilin’ and healthy soon.

  13. love the screaming pics … makes me not feel so bad about ours … I will share some tomorrow!

  14. so i see i should have kept reading before responding.
    what a bueaty, sour face and all. super sweet.