Today, By The Numbers

6 – Hours spent at the Children’s Hospital emergency room

24 – Number of examining rooms, most filled with screaming children at some point

3 – Doctors that examined Mira

2 – Band-aids covering two punctures

1,000,000 – Germs that were probably floating through that place, making me keep a blanket over Mira while in the hallway

9 – Number of times I retold Mira’s list of symptoms to some medical professional walking into the room

5 – Number of times I told someone, “It’s a girl – don’t let the blue blanket fool you”

1 – Crazy volunteer woman who came in to keep me company, telling me why French men make great lovers and how unfair it is that the Mexicans aren’t forced to learn English when all the other immigrants were in the past

1 – IV port, urinary catheter, and lumbar puncture on Mira

The results? She has a cold.

It seems Mira has picked up the respiratory infection that Cordy is recovering from. I noticed yesterday that she was a little congested, so I took her to the doctor today when she seemed to have a low fever. Turns out she did have a fever, but since she is under two months old, the pediatrician insisted we go to the hospital for a sepsis workup to make sure everything was OK. It’s routine for any baby under two months.

I grudgingly agreed and took her to the hospital, where they put an IV port into her little hand to take blood and then give her fluids. After that, they inserted a catheter to get a urine sample. And finally they did a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) to check for meningitis. I protested the lumbar puncture, and so they brought in another doctor to convince me it was necessary. I probably wouldn’t have been so worried had I not heard the attending doctor instructing the resident on how to do a lumbar puncture. Nothing like being the first, right?

Poor Mira did amazingly well through all of it. She fought the lumbar puncture with all the strength she had, and cried a lot for the other procedures. But once they were done, she drifted back to sleep. The doctors kept saying what a good baby she was – I told them that’s how I knew she was sick. If it’s daytime and she’s not crying, there’s clearly something wrong.

In the end, it was ruled a simple viral respiratory infection. Infant Tylenol, rest, and lots of breastmilk and she should be fine. I was pretty sure that’s what it was to begin with, but they insisted on all of these tests to make sure. And being a mom, I was worried about her and so I went along with all of it. Seeing your child choking and gagging from post-nasal drip is scary.

Now I just hope this tiny, angry baby will forgive us for putting her through all of that to diagnose a common cold. And I hope she’ll get well soon.

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  1. Major Bedhead says

    Oh, the poor wee thing.

    I spent three days in the hospital with Boo when she was 11 days old for the same thing. They did an LP on her, too, and I was not happy at all.

    I hope she’s feeling better soon. It’s awful when they’re that little and sick, they’re just miserable.

  2. Motherhood Uncensored says

    Ugh Man. That just sucks. I’m glad it’s just a cold.

    I’ll tell you what. The 2-kid disease passage thing is crazy.

  3. They do a lumbar puncture for a low-grade fever???

  4. Oh, hon… I’m sorry. That’s rough. But what else could you do but go along with the doctors who say that she needs the tests, you know? Glad it’s just a cold.

  5. Oh no, how awful. Glad it’s just a cold though.

  6. ohmygod! what a horrible, horrible experience – for all of you.

  7. 3carnations says

    Poor little girl, and poor you. Hard enough for such a little one to have a cold, but to have to go through all that as well…Hope she feels better soon!

  8. oh my god Christina!!
    I can’t believe all those procedures. She has had a big week!!

    What a little trooper she must be!! Take care of yourselves!!

  9. MamaMichelsBabies says

    Damn that sucks when they get sick that young! Everyone here has a headcold, and I’m trying to keep Clutch in a plastic bubble for it.

    Poor loves, you and her! I hope she’s back to herself soon!

  10. Gah, something else I never thought about. Nicholas was relatively healthy until a cold at eight?nine?ten? months. Basically because we didn’t see anyone else. Now Nicholas is going to infect Parker. GREAT. Something else to worry about!

    I’m glad Mira is okay in the end. I’m glad it’s just a cold even if she gives you baby pouty look for letting people poke her! 🙂

  11. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch says

    That’s just awful. Thw ER is no fun, especially with a tiny baby.

  12. WI Mommy says

    This is what you get for complaining that there isn’t much to blog about a baby! (weak attempt at humor)

    I’m so glad it was nothing serious..hope everyone is feeling better soon!!

  13. Her Bad Mother says

    AWWWW! Poor thing!


  14. Oish. I think there are lots of reason we don’t remember our first year or two. I imagine that it probably sucked worse for you, though, than it did for her. Because *you* understand all the stuff they said about and did to her. I hope you all get a good night’s sleep tonight and she feels tons better in the morning!

    I so feel you on the being scared watching your baby choking and gagging on post nasal drip. We had that early with both girls, but not as early as you – yikes! I remember Sweet Pea coughing and fighting for air at 3am and ultimately throwing up all the milk in her tummy THREE TIMES during one coughing jag just to get the thick phlegm out of her throat so that she could breathe. Scary shit.

  15. What a day! Sounds like it was miserable. Hope Mira feels better soon!!

  16. Poor baby. So many sticks. I am glad she will be well soon.

  17. Poor baby…

    When my daughter was 16 months she got bit by a dog and we spont about 12 hours in 2 different ER’s … NOT FUN!

    Especially when they are that little it’s SCARY when they are sick!

    I think that is one of the most frustrating things about being a Mom… when your kids are sick and you CAN”T FIX IT! Being a control freak I just want to fix everything, and it drives me crazy when I can’t!!

  18. I’m not sure I’ve mentioned that I live in the suburbs of Columbus? As a mother of 4 (though all grown now) I’m pretty familiar with Children’s Hospital. My personal opinion is that they are great when your child is very ill but when it comes to run of the mill stuff I began to take mine to Mount Carmel West and was pleased that they only did what was necessary and didn’t put the kids through test that were not.

    Anyway, that’s my unasked for 2 cents.

    I’m so sorry little Mira had to go through so much today…but happy to hear she’s for the most part alright.

    Take care~

  19. Get well soon Mira…glad it’s just a cold. That’s crazy!

  20. aimee / greeblemonkey says

    OMG! I am so sorry!

    Get well soon, everyone!

  21. Anonymous says

    Glad it is just a cold. My daughter also went through a LP when she was only a week old. However, her results did come back with a staph infection. So better safe than sorry. Hope the family feels better!


  22. The Young Family says

    Sorry about the hospital trip, I found you through a site of a site off of top I enjoyed reading your blog – hope you don’t mind? My daughter had life saving surgery at our local children’s hopsital when whe was 8 days old, can’t say enough about the wonderful nurses and Dr’s at Children’s. Glad it was just a cold.

  23. crunchy carpets says

    Oh man…for a cold!!!

  24. Mommy off the Record says

    Oh goodness. I’m glad she’s OK. How scary!

  25. Mrs. Chicken says

    poor little bean. hope she is on the mend soon.

  26. Queen Heather says

    Awwww, I hope baby is better soon.

  27. mothergoosemouse says

    Eeesh. Better to eliminate the possibility, but what an ordeal for all of you.

    Glad that it’s nothing serious.

  28. When my second daughter was a few days old, ER nurses kept poking her with a needle, trying to find her vein. It was horrible for all of us.

    You have my sympathy. I hope your baby is well soon.