Can’t Take The Heat Anymore

Summer in Ohio is much like winter in Ohio: the weather is so unbearable that you only go outside if you have to.

It seems that while I was away in Chicago for BlogHer, a heatwave snuck into Ohio and sat its big hot ass down on the state (and most of the Midwest) for a long stay. Highs in the mid-90’s, with a heat index well over 100. Sure, those of you from the West might remind me that 90’s are nothing, but unlike you, we don’t have dry heat. We have soupy thick, air quality alert, hurts to breathe, humid air – a sauna that can only be escaped by finding air conditioning.

So just like those cold days of winter, I’ve been biding my time indoors for over a week. And much like those dark January days, I’m slowly going insane trapped in my own little summer version of the Overlook Hotel.

Enter my mother and grandmother – ever the outdoors-women – who swooped in today, told me “oh please, it’s not that bad in the shade,” and insisted we use the water toys sitting in our backyard.

So Cordy put on her “babee-suit” and took Mira’s “sun-gun-asses” and outside we went. And you know what?

It was fun.

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  1. Awww! So cute! I love Cordy’s Dora suit. Probably because I dream of dressing a little girl in the future.

    And Mira’s stylin’ “sun-gun-asses” are tres chic!

  2. Cute shades. And the curls look rockin when wet. But it IS too d@mn hot outside! And our pool died…

  3. Diana – You’re right! Thanks for the heads up!

    Dana – Careful what you ask for: Dora can quickly take over. 🙂

    Tracey – Oh, I’m sorry your pool died! I wish we had one big enough for me.

  4. Love the pouty baby with the sun-gun-asses!

    PS Mira isn’t mentioned in your profile!

  5. L.A. Daddy says

    Nothing like water fun!

    I think I’ll spray LA Toddler with a hose this weekend. For some reason, she likes it… Or, maybe we’ll go to the beach.

    We get humidity out here, sometimes. It’s not bad, but when it happens we’re not prepared for it.

    The horror! The horror…

  6. Mrs. Chicken says

    Oh, it is HORRID here in the middle west, ain’t it? The thermometer outside my kitchen window is in the shade.

    It reads 110-degrees.

    At 6 p.m.

    Cordy is delish. And she is built just like my Poo.

    Glad you all had a good day.

  7. Nick calls sunglasses (or any glasses) “glos-eks.” Which is an improvement from “glok-gloks.” Heh. Kids are the best.

    We? Did not. venture outside today. I’m melting in air conditioning.

  8. of course it was fun!
    It’s been an average of about 36 (that’s almost 100) in Toronto as well, but it’s not bad going out in the morning, or after dinner. And god bless the wading pools.

    Although at 6 1/2 months pregnant, I am melting a bit, so god bless frappucinos as well.

  9. Mrs. Chicky says

    Mira is too cool for school in those shades and Cordy looks like a beauty queen. So darn cute!

    And ditto on the humid air. Ick.

  10. Love the shades. They are toooo cute!

    If you are interested, there is big news at my blog!!!

  11. myminivanisfasterthanyours says

    I grew-up in the great state of Michigan (tongue firmly planted in cheeck), so I know of what you speak. It was well over 100 degrees here in Arizona today where I now live, but no worries, it’s a dry heat. And that’s so reassuring when it’s 122 degrees and we’re all outside frying eggs on the sidewalk :).

    Mom 101 sent me your link. So glad she did!

  12. MamaMichelsBabies says

    Seeing those pics of Cordy reminds me of Boom when she was a bitty thing… you’ve got me all nostalgic over her. WHat a cutie pie, the both of them.

  13. mel from freak parade says

    Look at the cheeks on Mira! So cute. I hate the heat…but I hate humidity even more. I am in CA now, but I lived in PA too. The humidity is just miserable. Blech.

  14. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch says

    Those little darlings are just gorgeous! So cute!

  15. Misguided Mommy says

    man i totally feel you on the damn heat…i’m 5 months pregnant so i just want to be mad at everything and this heat isn’t helping me!

  16. Looks like you made the best of the heat! We’re frying up here in Chicago… but that’s what community pools are for, right?

  17. Mira looks adorable in the stunna shades and Cordy looks like she is having a ball !

    I hear you about the heat…you walk outside and feel like you’ve been engulfed by a hot, wet blanket and then you try to breath and go running for the house and the blessed a/c!

    I live SE of Columbus…my temps here are always 4 degrees higher than the city in the summer and 4 degrees lowers in the winter. So I’ve had temps in the actual 100s here. ICK! The rain and heat has caused my weeds to grow like…well weeds! I actually have a few that are knee high! I can’t get motivated to do anything about them in the cooler temps of the a.m. and by the time it cools down enough to be able to stand being outside in the evening…it’s too dark. Maybe I’ll get those weeds taken care of before they get mistaken for small trees 🙂

    Keep cool~

  18. I had imagined that when the hubby when back to work, me and Evan would take walks each afternoon. Yesterday I stepped foot outdoors and he immediately fell asleep and started sweating, so we skipped the walk and got the heck back inside.


    Later, I put him in the baby bjorn and we had an “inside walk” which consisted of ten minutes of pacing before I realized what a dumb idea I’d had, thinking we’d take a long walk in our tiny condo.

  19. The heat has been horrible this summer hasn’t it!!?

  20. Oh Baby Gifts says

    I’ll switch with you anyday. Over here the weather doesnt even know what it wants. One day its boiling, next day you need sweaters!

  21. I feel the same way here in NJ. It’s just too hot outside. I know if we get out we’ll have fun… but I just step out the door… the heat and humidity hit me in the face… and I turn around and come back inside.

    Today I went out to empty the little pool and refill it with clean water… only to realize something is living it in (that’s how long the old water has waited for us to use it!) Little tadpole looking things. ick. So… of course… we came right back inside.

  22. Mommin' It Up! says

    I’m in Ohio too and it is BRUTAL!! Broooo-tal.
    Love the sun-gun-asses. I’ll have to get me some o’ those.