Workin’ It at BlogHer

Work It, Mom! is having a contest asking people to write posts explaining how they worked it at the conference. The categories are most creative, most impressive, funniest, and most creative without having gone to BlogHer.

This was too much fun to pass by. So, I’d like to present how I worked it in the most impressive way at BlogHer, in photoessay form.

At BlogHer, I met all of these people (and more):

I also collected all of this schwag (and more):

(cat not included)

And I did all of this while having her with me the entire time:

Not to mention stopping frequently for this.

I’d say that’s pretty impressive, wouldn’t you?

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  1. I have total schwag envy!

  2. You are the multi-tasking master! Very impressive!

  3. good job, you worked it! good luck at the contest – I’m still overcoming my BlogHer jealousy!

  4. You were one busy mom/social butterfly lady! How cool. And it looks like you were lugging back more than baby/baby accessories. You scored big on the swag!

    I hope you win.

  5. Wowzers – good thing you had a couple new bags to carry home all your new stuff in. Mira looks so cozy and cute in her sling! Tee hee! I really like how your cat is eyeing the schwag, as if she (or he) is just taking time deciding what curious new thing to rub his (or her) face on first. Tee hee!

  6. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch says

    Yep, I have the schwag envy, too!

    Look at that sweet baby!!! So cute!

  7. Very impressive…you are the master of juggling life~

  8. mel from freak parade says

    I’m impressed.

    I actually have baby envy more than schwag envy. So cute.

  9. Slackermommy says

    Very much!

  10. tee hee! I see my card in there!

  11. Sounds like an amazing time.. And you met a lot of people!!

  12. I love the picture of her in the sling – she’s taking it all in.

  13. Hi, there!

    I don’t know if you saw, but you WON for the most impressive way you Worked It @ Blogher! I can’t wait to get your prize to you but don’t have your address – would you shoot me an email to [email protected]?



  14. Thanks for letting me hold Mira!

  15. Love your pictures of your swag and all of the cards you snagged. My plan is to hit BlogHer next year, so I’ll keep all of these goodies in mind. Thanks for sharing!

    Oh, and your frequent stops was one of my excuses not to go this year. Lesson learned.