Did I Mention I Have A Second Daughter?

I just realized it’s been awhile since I wrote about Mira. Did you forget about her? She’s now four months old – can you believe it?

I’m a little behind on things right now. This past week has been busy, with cleaning up after Cordy’s birthday party (video still to come), Cordy starting at her new preschool, me starting nursing school, Aaron starting rehearsals for a new play, and also taking care of a family of cats in our spare time. It’s exhausting, and I’m barely awake as I write this now.

Mira has been around through all of this, quietly waiting for her turn to be noticed.

Notice me.

OK, maybe “quietly” isn’t exactly accurate. Miranda is a force to be reckoned with, just like her sister, yet often in entirely different ways. At four months, the screaming is slowly lessening (thank you, colic gods!), and she’s beginning to let her preferences be known. Some personality traits I recognize from Cordy, but at times they seem to be polar opposites.

I’m starting to understand that we will never be able to make both of our daughters happy at the same time. Cordy hates to leave the house, while Mira cries more if we’re home. Cordy gets upset in large groups of people, but Mira is happiest surrounded by a crowd. So if we’re home, Mira is upset, and if we’re out in public, Cordy is upset. Fun, eh?

Mira is a breast fiend. She wants her milk directly from the tap, and is usually offended by any offer of a bottle. Cordy hated breastfeeding, and had given it up entirely by this point, so this is all new for me. I’m glad breastfeeding has been so easy this time, and it’s certainly cheaper, although it guarantees that I can’t be away from her for long.

Breastmilk does a body good. And it gives you chubby thighs.

Like Cordy, she’s a serious baby, requiring a real song and dance from me to produce a smile. She’s discovered her feet recently, pulling them to her mouth as often as possible. Actually, anything near her ends up in her mouth – she’s practically begging for solid foods, but I’m holding off until her next check-up at least. Somehow I think she will love any food offered to her.

She’s charming, and while she still hates being put down, she’s not as high-needs as Cordy was at this point. Her naps are infrequent and short (must run in the family, and it’s enough to convince me I don’t want more kids), but she will sleep a 5-6 hour stretch in her crib at night before demanding to be brought into bed with me for the rest of the night.

I like mommy’s bed better. It’s got food on demand.

It’s hard to not constantly compare my two children – is this normal? Do other parents spend way too much time noticing how their kids are similar and different? Regardless of the comparisons, Mira has found her place in our family, and she is a sweet baby. I can’t wait to watch more of her personality develop to see how much she is like her sister, or Aaron and I, and also how much she is her own person.

Happy four months, Miranda. Now, do mommy a favor and let me get some homework done, m’kay?

What? I’ve got needs, too.
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  1. Oh lordy. I just want to pinch those cheeks and munch those thighs!!! She’s so precious.

    I compare my children all the time. It’s totally normal. Just don’t do the whole “why can’t you be like your sister?” bit. Other than that, no probs.

    To make them both happy. Hmmmm. Perhaps have more people in your own home? Mira gets the stimulation she needs and Cordy has the comforts of home that she requires. Or, make sure to get that baby into masses of humanity while cordy’s at school. Other than that, I’ve got nothin.

  2. What a cutie! I love the first picture and the one of her in the pink outfit. It looks like she is a force to be reckoned with!

  3. tooooooo cuuuuuute!

  4. Christina – she’s such a beauty! I love that picture where Mira has her hands tucked behind her head, ready to take on the world.

  5. She’s absolutely beautiful.

    I love the one with her hands behind her head.

  6. Major Bedhead says

    She’s so pretty.

    I always compare my youngest two – they’re like night and day, too.

  7. Awww she misses Auntie Karen! I swear, holding her for that time in Chicago was the highlight of BlogHer for me. You have such a great family darlin’!

  8. She always tucks her hands behind her head like that. She sleeps like that, too. I can’t decide if it means she’s relaxed, or if she’s sitting back planning her world domination.

  9. oh, sooo cute…best of luck with that homework!
    My kids are all so different, we often find it difficult to reach happiness equilibrium, it’s the age span too -complicated and enough to make me not want more.

  10. Motherhood Uncensored says

    She’s gotten SO big and SO cute.

  11. Thanks for telling us more about Mira. She’s adorable, and sounds like an amazing addition to the family.
    As for the comparisons, well, my second is still 5 weeks away, and I’m already making them. It’s gotta be impossible not to.

  12. She is stunningly gorgeous. And you’ve written this post so well. I’ve fallen in love with her just by reading this. Hey, I know 5 years is a big gap at this age, but you want to consider an arranged marriage with my youngest lad?

  13. You make some ding-dang cute kids, ya know? 🙂

  14. Oh my God! She is gorgeous. Love those cheeks. And your captions are so funny.

    I’m curious… did Cordy have hair at 4 months? Do you think Mira will have Cordy’s curls?

  15. She’s so precious, I wonder if she will have the same curly locks that Cordy has!

    I compare my two all the time also, and they REALLY COULDN’T BE MORE DIFFERENT. Paige was a much easier baby than Cayden, slept through the night at 5 weeks, ate great, had no colic… but like Mira was very serious and you practically had to stand on your head to make her laugh. Cayden, on the other hand, had a horrible start with colic and reflux which ended him on medication just to suck without pain. He STILL doesn’t sleep through the night and he just turned 1, but whereas he was harder in those respects, he is much more happy go lucky and silly than his sister was. You just look at him and he bursts out laughing.

    I can’t wait to see what number 3 brings…if I can get the good sleeper/eater traits from Paige and the always laughing traits from Cayden things will be perfect. Somehow I doubt I will be that lucky!!

  16. love reading your blog. what sweet pictures. Mira is a doll baby! thanks

  17. She’s gorgeous, I love the chubby thighs.

    So glad Mira’s colic has improved, I don’t know how I survived those first few months with my colicky son, it was hell.

  18. She’s gorgeous!

  19. I like the hands behind the head supermodel pose. Very cute.

    Evan’s just starting to put things in his mouth but hasn’t even realized he’s got feet yet. I think it’s so cute when babies are always grabbing at their little feet, though. Can’t wait!

    Now Mira, do let your mommy get some homework done. Teachers can be so demanding.

  20. Such great pictures.

    One word of advice, a little early. I have polar opposite kids, too, and I have learned not to ask them “Would you guys like to go _____?” Because one always answers one way and the other the opposite. Then one is always mad. I just make the decision myself and leave choices to when I just have one. (It’s the worst with restaurants, whatever one likes the other invariably would say they “hate it” so now I just choose unless we are one on one).

  21. These pics are anything but gratuitous. Too cute!

    What is it with our boob babies? Don’t they understand the joys of latex nipples?

  22. She is just such a beautiful little one, C! wow…

    And yes, those of us with two or more do spend alot of time comparing and contrasting our children. I can’t believe how different my three are.

  23. The other Vanda says

    Mira is such a pretty baby. Am I the only one who noticed that she has loooong legs or is it the way the picture was taken.

    I had to giggle at the picture with her hands behind her head. To me she is saying, “ok world bring it on baby!”

  24. I compared a LOT when Pie was a baby – I don’t do it as much now. I think it’s just part of the way we try to get to know them, these mysterious babies of ours.

  25. Colleen & Jenifer – Actually, Cordy had short hair just like Mira’s (only blonde) when she was this age. Her curls didn’t start to show up until after her first birthday. I’m hoping we’ll see curls for Mira, too.

    The other Vanda – It’s partially the way the picture was shot, but Mira does have very long legs. She’s nearly grown out of her 3-6 mo. old clothing just because she’s so long.

  26. What a sweetie. I do the same thing with my two girls. The baby is six months now ~ I can’t believe it. My first was high maintenance and the baby is so easy going. She’s happy most of the time whereas my first was so hard to please – still is. And I have feeding issues with my first but it looks like we’re not going to have that problem with the second – she eats EVERYTHING!!!

  27. Yes, yes. I have to believe all parents do this. Robby is nearly 7 weeks now and I have yet to consider him on his own and not in relation to Sam.

    She’s a cutey! She looks so TALL in that 2nd one.

  28. She is beautiful! Love it … glad so glad that you shared!

  29. MamaMichelsBabies says

    All 5 of mine are compared, and all are so vastly different there is no comparison.

    And Mira is beautiful, it doesn’t seem like it was 4 months ago you and I were guessing who was going to go first. Now the two are finding feet and (still)getting up at unholy hours. Geez… you got me aching for another girl with those pics.

    Not nice 😉

  30. Oh my goodness. She is absolutely the cutest baby I’ve ever seen! Aside from my own of course. her thighs may be chubby but look at how long her legs are! i just love her to bits!!!!

  31. Ruth Dynamite says

    She is so adorable, Christina. These photos – and your words – are precious.

  32. Adorable! I love those legs…so chubby yet so loooong. Oh man, do I ever have baby fever now!

  33. Misguided Mommy says

    oh gosh i just loooove the picture of her in the little pink outfit smiling…soooo adorable!

  34. She’s such a cutie. I’ve been a lurker for a while, and wanted to say hi.

  35. Mrs. Chicky says

    She’s a cutie pie! I can’t imagine all parents don’t compare their kids in some way.

  36. Oh Baby Gifts says

    shes adorable. Photogenic too! Especially when she put her hands behind her head 🙂

  37. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch says

    Adorable!! Love her chubby breast fed thighs!!

    I’m continually comparing Ella to her big brother. I think it’s inevitable to compare.

  38. SO sweet and you really can see her personality in these pictures.

  39. Mira has such an expressive face! My granddaughter, Grace, seems to be very expressive as well.

    The photo of Mira with her hands behind her head is adorable and I love the last photo too!

    All four of my children are different. The oldest and youngest are the most similar. The two middle boys are very different from each other and the other two.

    I always enjoyed watching their personalities develop and yes, I think it very common to compare your children to one another. I don’t know any mother who doesn’t/hasn’t.

    Glad to hear Cordy’s new pre-school transition is going well so far.

  40. I think Caity was just along for the ride during her first few months….she made herself known by much fussing too..

    Maybe it is second kid syndrome!

    She is totally adorable.

  41. She’s beautiful!!

  42. Shauna Loves Chocolate says

    I love those thighs!!!

  43. Laura McIntyre says

    Hiya just new today, your daughter is just arorable, loving her expressions.

    I constantly compare my two girls, have been told not to but cannot help it. Aslong as its not done in a bad way i think its fun

  44. She is adorable…those eyes, those cheeks…those legs!!