Visiting the Doctor

The visit started out with a major meltdown – head banging into the door, kicking, thrashing, screaming. Cordy has never liked the doctor’s office. But today was her 3 year check-up, and Mira’s 4 month check-up, so she was going to be examined whether she liked it or not. We had rehearsed going to the doctor’s at home, complete with using my stethoscope to show her what the doctor would do, but it still didn’t stop the meltdown.

Our doctor reviewed Cordy’s evaluation from the school district, and we discussed the medical issues that go along with it. Like her lack of sleep. The poor kid doesn’t nap, and wakes 3-4 times a night, often staying up for a half hour or more before settling back to sleep. On a good night, she gets 9 hours of sleep; on a bad night, maybe 7 hours or less. Cordy is clearly exhausted most days. The doc said that sleep issues are common with kids on the autism spectrum. We’re going to look into natural methods of helping her sleep before even considering the idea of medications. She recommended a meeting with a psychologist to help address home issues that aren’t covered by her therapy at school.

As for her food allergies and eczema, she was referred on to an allergist. The doctor asked if I wanted to have her tested for high levels of lead, but I told her it wasn’t necessary. We live in a new house, we routinely check toys against recall lists (damn you, Chinese toys!), and Cordy never puts anything other than food in her mouth.

Cordy took a long time to calm down. Eventually she was calm enough to sit quietly while the doctor and I talked about her development. The doctor was smart to give Cordy time to warm up to her. Once we got to the physical exam, Cordy only squirmed and gave short protests when being touched – far better than the scream fests of previous doctor visits. It also helped that my mom came with us – Cordy is very attached to her grandma right now, and clinging to grandma seemed to calm her.

The child is still holding her status as an Amazon, although she’s slipping a little. 40 inches, 40 pounds, 90th percentile for both. That’s my girl.

Mira, though, seems to be challenging Cordy for Amazon warrior status. I know siblings can be competitive, but I wasn’t expecting them to compete in growth. Today’s results for Mira – 90th percentile for head circumference and weight, and well off the charts for length. The kid is 4 months old and almost 27″ long. Wow.

We also discussed Mira’s lack of sleep, too. Why couldn’t one of my kids inherit my appreciation for sleep? I feel like I’m at Gitmo undergoing sleep deprivation torture. Cordy’s awake by 5am, Mira is up between 3-4am … I never sleep.

What else has Mira accomplished lately? Well, there’s this:

Within the past two weeks she decided it was time to roll over to her belly and hold up her head.

And then there’s this:

(click for larger picture)

Not sure what you’re seeing? Let me clarify this picture (again, click for more detail):

Yeah, that first tooth she got last week was followed by tooth #2 breaking through last night. Her favorite trick? Biting down on my nipple, then pulling off while still clamped down, sharp teeth dragging along the underside. (All the women reading this just reacted like a man when told a friend had been kicked in the balls, didn’t they?)

They’re both growing well, and they’re both healthy, which is all I could ask for. Well, some more sleep might be nice, too.

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  1. oweeeeeeee! i had a biter too. i feel your pain!

  2. OMG! I just counted (on my fingers, no less) how many hours my son sleeps, just to compare to what you describe. I THOUGHT I was sleep-deprived with an 18 month old who goes to bed around 8pm and gets up by 6 in the a.m. I was wrong. You win! They are adorable, though, mom…you’ve got some cute little ones there!

  3. Evan just started rolling over in the last week, too. It happened so suddenly — he was on a mission to do it one day two days later was a pro. Of course now he wants to roll over on the changing table.

    I think he’s teething, too, although I don’t see teeth yet. But the drool is RIDICULOUS and he just whimpers all day long unless something’s in his mouth. I feel so bad for him because he’s so unhappy and has trouble falling asleep because of it.

    I’m glad your doctor’s visit went well. Sounds like you have a very good doc.

  4. Oh, how I remember the aching! I winced for you. Goodness, my 10 month old is 29 1/2 inches, and her 4 yeasr old sister is 39. You do have tall girls!

  5. The other Vanda says

    Totally adorable kidlits, honest.

    Ummm, just just like a man, man it’s been 40 years since I last breast fed my kids and honey I feel for you. Oh ouch!

  6. Ahh, the new teeth biting. That is horrible, especially when they stay latched on and pull off while biting. Lovely. I feel for you.

  7. Yey, teeth! 🙂

    I stopped breastfeeding the day Ella took one monster bite into my boob. Ouch.

  8. OOUCH … Tatum’s Teeth aren’t in yet but she was gumming me, so I have stopped breast feeding, I couldn’t do it! Proud of you for sticking with it! Glad both are growing well and they are both very adorable!

  9. I actually grabbed my boob and winced! Thankfully I am in the comfort of my own home, not out in public, because my response would have probably been the same!

    Mira is adorable. Such a cutie!

  10. Taste Like Crazy says

    I thought that I was going to die when Cara first started teething. She would do the “bite and pull” and it was all I could do to not scream.

    What worked for me was pulling her into the boob. If she can’t breath, she will let go. Promise.

    It took twice and she hasn’t bitten me in eight months.

    Now that I write this, she’ll bite off my nipple.

  11. Mira is adorable. I can’t belive the teeth!

  12. You tell your tale of the doctor visit with such flair. How lucky you are to have an understanding doctor.

    So no sleep and bitten boobs? Why is it we have kids? Oh, right, they’re flat out gorgeous.

  13. T with Honey says

    27″ – Wow!! I remember when Princess passed the 20″ mark at 8 months old and we had to give up the infant carrier car seat. What kind of car seat are you using for Mira now?

  14. Ouch! My youngest got early teeth, and was a nibbler as well. But with the reminder, I’ll be coddling my boobs for the rest of the day.

  15. Major Bedhead says


    The Bug did that to me once and I shrieked so loudly that she cried. It was totally involuntary (teeth + nipple = shrieking. Even my crap math skills know that much.) and I scared her so badly that she never did it again.

  16. Yeah biting = not so great.

    Sleep would be awesome.

    (Kristen — Motherhood Uncensored)

  17. OUCH!! Glad your mom was able to help at the doctor!

  18. MamaMichelsBabies says

    I think my nips inverted far enough to touch my spine after reading that! Ouchie!
    CLutch was rolling over right at 4 months.. but it’s not hard for him, he’s quite ball shaped at this point 😉 THe lil fatty.

    Your girls are tall, and very cute. Almost makes me willing to let my uterus go through that again to try for a girl. ALmost.

  19. Wowie, you and Aaron sure know how to grow ’em good, don’t you? Rock on! Cordy is only one inch shorter than 4yr. 3mo. Sweet Pea at last measurement, and weighs either the same or a couple pounds more. And WOW, 4 months rolling seems early to me, since neither of my girls did that until at least halfway through 5mos.! Motivated go-getters is what you’ve got! Hee hee!

    I didn’t actually grab my boobs, but soooooooooo close. Yep, I feel ya with the dragging of the teeth on the nipple. Sweet Pea did that to me three times when she was growing out those first four teeth and like Major Bedhead, I screamed so loudly that I scared the crap out of her and she never did it again (suddenly removing her from the breast might have had something to do with her crying, as well)… And she nurse for over two years! The Bug didn’t bite me while cutting those first teeth, but now at 16 months she’s getting forgetful. Or maybe it’s just that she’s so active. Last week she decided one day while nursing that she needed to move her lower arm (the one she was lying down on) to the other side of my boob, and instead of going under, she dragged the arm between us, not realizing that she needed to release the nipple to get her arm past. And she’s got 10 teeth now, going on 12. There was much screaming from Mommy. But, we persist. Hm. I think that’s different, though. It was the suction that hurt so much – she wasn’t biting me. But you get the picture. Sisters in nipple pain.

  20. And I always assumed bigger babies slept better because they could eat more. Myles is an insomniac too. We’re just now getting better about napping, but he’s still up for at least an hour in the middle of the night. I’ve resigned myself to not getting an uninterrupted night’s sleep for a while. Sigh.
    Mira is a sweetheart and I can’t believe she’s got her bottom teeth already!

  21. She’s getting so BIG!!

  22. Yes, sleep issues are common in ASD; but if you think about *why* it can help.

    Super-sensitivity to noise is one reason: sometimes some “white noise” in the room can help (My son likes a fan in his face: a gentle whir, plus nice cold pressure!)

    Then it is pretty common for Spectrum kids to have enlarged adenoids. So a tonsillectomy + adenoidectomy makes a HUGE difference!

  23. motherbumper says

    ouch – that brings back some repressed memories (but damn, that picture is freakin’ cute).

  24. You’ve definitely got a full plate there (but damn cute kids, I must add!!!). Those bitten nipple memories came back in a flash – ouch, can’t say I miss that! Must be why babies are so cute, makes it hard to get mad at them when they pierce our nipples.

  25. regarding Cordy’s sleep issues, see if you can identify her triggers. Your therapists should be able to help, if you can’t figure it out at home. For example, maybe noises in the house or outside are something she is sensitive to. Try white noise or relaxation music to help combat it. Spend some time in her room. Is there something that is making a quiet repetitive noise? For many ASD people those type of things are bothersome. Or, maybe there is cracks of light coming in through window/blinds that is bothering her from the street/another home/the moon. Maybe it’s the texture of the sheets, or maybe she would benefit from a weighted blanket. She might be getting too hot/cold… Just pulling things off the top of my head… If you can do some investigating, you might be able to solve the sleep issues.

    I hated when the kiddos got their first teeth. Girlie drew blood with those first poking through razors! I yelped, popped her off, and she didn’t bite me again. I feel your pain!

  26. 7 hours?? 7 hours you say?? That would BE HEAVEN at my house. TC has eczema too and it is awful. I found a cream online that works well but it is high dollar…so we use it sparingly. Finally we put him on Clonidine to help him relax and fall asleep at night. It is used for older people with high blood pressure and it is completely safe. He takes the smallest dose and it has saved my life…now if we could get rid of the eczema! And allergies!

  27. i have twin boys that are teething…i feel your pain…well…not THAT pain…breastfeeding twins would be crazy…crazyness i tell you!