Haiku Friday: Black Friday Edition

Haiku Friday
Black Friday is here
Want a digital frame cheap?
Only until noon!

I am thankful for
the huz, who wakes up early
to shop the big sales

Oh sure, I love Black Friday. The teaser sales are exciting, but the early hours? Eh, not for me. Before we had kids, Aaron and I would pick the sales that interested us the most, then go out together. Now, he goes out for the early morning sales race, and I stay home with the kids. I like this arrangement.

Edited to add:

We struck out this year
too many bargain hunters
not enough product

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). We will delete your link if it doesn’t go to a haiku. If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button above.

So flex those mental muscles and join Jennifer and I for Haiku Fridays!

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  1. we’re looking for bargains tomorrow, but not till 9 am. (whew!)

    anyway, mine’s up. i watched my son iron last night. lolololol

  2. I used to work at a Mall too in high school and college, and I remember crying at the end of Black Friday. 🙁

  3. Sarcastic Mom (aka Lotus) says

    I used to work in retail. At a MALL.


    Now that I can, I stay home on days like this, momma. 😉

  4. It’s 3:30, I am fulfilling my NaBloPoMo requirement and then heading out to shop…

    My huz sleeps and watched kiddos.

  5. Oh, man! That stinks. I rarely venture out for Black Friday deals. I am done shopping for Christmas, so I’m only going for a 75% off winter coat at Macy’s.

  6. Sorry you struck out. I’ve never gone shopping on Black Friday. ever.

  7. Wow your additional haiku is so sad. I’m only going one place. It damn well better have what I want.

    Funny ku.

  8. Mrs. Chicken says

    I love your poems. I’m not nearly as talented when it comes to brevity. Sorry to hear your Black Friday was spoiled!

  9. I thought I’d just run into Target this am to finish up for Liv.. I didnt even want anything major. I waited in line outside, freezing. People are nuts!

  10. That is a sweet arrangement. Too bad there wasn’t more deals to be had. It could all those Canadians invading your stores to get the super prices. Yes, blame Canada.

  11. Yes, it WAS busy out today. I just needed to run ordinary errands, so couldn’t avoid the crowds. Hope you can get a “rain check” for the item you wanted. 🙂

  12. MamaMichelsBabies says

    There weren’t very many really good bargains this year anyway, at least not around here. And I know this, I was up at 4 am and waiting before a particular place opened their doors.

  13. Yep…I struck out too. I went to K-Mart at 7:30 AM on Thanksgiving…just before I started cooking. They had opened at 7:00 AM and were sold out of every electronic they had advertised in Wednesday’s circular.

  14. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch says

    I used to work at Ruby Tuesday in the mall on Black Friday. Now I never want to be at a mall, toy store, or electronics store on that day ever again.

  15. Better late than never.

  16. HI. I just did my FIRST Haiku!!! It was fun!!! I am surprised I could actually do it!! lol.