Haiku Friday: The Big Game

Haiku Friday
It’s that time again
OSU v. UoM
Quick! Hide your dumpsters!

It’s “Beat Michigan” week here in Columbus, and the city has once again gone crazy with the scarlet and gray fever. I only hope that Ohio State wins this game – and not just because I support the Buckeyes partially based on the fear of what might happen if I didn’t.

It’s also because the drunk, happy rioters setting dumpsters on fire are so much easier to deal with than the drunk, bitter rioters setting dumpsters on fire. (It doesn’t matter if we win or lose – there are always riots, and you can count on at least one dumpster fire.)

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). We will delete your link if it doesn’t go to a haiku. If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button above.

So flex those mental muscles and join Jennifer and I for Haiku Fridays!

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  1. woot! i’m first … and today i am a happy mommy!!

  2. Momma to LG says

    Hate to do it to you but GO BLUE!!!!

  3. WorksForMom says

    Having just moved from Columbus I must say – Go Buckeyes!

  4. Sarcastic Mom (aka Lotus) says

    People go nuts over their sport, huh?

  5. Hope your team wins!

  6. This was a Friday when I so needed to write a haiku. Sigh.

  7. GO BUCKS! My hubby made sure Gabe had some gear and is “ready” for the game. We’re in Dayton, so no riots… just lots of drunk people!!

  8. So glad to be able to participate again!

  9. Mine has a bit of a sports theme, too.

  10. Mrs. Chicken says

    We’ve been forbidden to wear blue on Saturday.

  11. Here is one time I actually cheer with you! Go Bucks.

  12. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch says

    Ahh, yes the rioters. Fun aren’t they?!

  13. Yay! I really enjoy Haiku Fridays! So glad I stumbled upon this a couple weeks ago!

  14. I live near Virginia Tech.

    There’s a big game tomorrow, the final home game, I think. People started arriving on Wednesday to attend the game.


  15. I will try to join Haiku Friday next week…

    I write my own haiku too. Here’s a link:

  16. my link is Advanced Poetry Management

    Search for haiku at the site.

  17. Nice rivalry. However, OU/Texas has meant so much more in the past couple of decades.

  18. I have to admit, I watched about 3 minutes of the game. Then I went shopping. Stores are so nicely uncrowded in Columbus when there’s a game. : )