Halloween House of Horrors

Halloween was a lot of fun – Cordy made a cute pirate/goth vampire (she still wouldn’t wear the hat), and lots of candy filled her bucket. I went with her for trick or treat, and we were done in under an hour.

But the real fun of the night was at our house, where Aaron scared the bejeebus out of kids with his costume and our child-eating pumpkin was a big hit.

Here was Aaron’s costume:

Pretty simple, but the faceless mask really creeped out many kids coming up for trick or treat. At one point, I was outside when three children approached the house. Aaron was inside the darkened house. As I reached out to give the first girl candy, the three of them suddenly screamed and ran away as fast as they could.

I turned around to see what spooked them and saw Aaron coming out the door. They saw him approaching the glass door, and in the darkness, they only saw a featureless white face coming at them. These weren’t little kids, either – I’d guess they were six, eight and nine years old. I couldn’t help but laugh – Aaron wasn’t even trying to scare them!

The youngest of the three kids ran so fast to get away he lost a shoe in our yard. And he refused to come back for the shoe, or for any candy. The two girls came back, although they armed themselves with plastic swords to make sure they’d be OK. Finally, Aaron had to take the mask off and return the shoe to the scared boy’s mom in their car.

Of course, their fear level started out high when they had to walk past our Jack O’ Lantern:

I tried to tell them they had nothing to worry about, since he had clearly eaten. Ah well.

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  1. Great costumes!! Love the pumpkin too. Happy Halloween 🙂

  2. lol…I love your pumpkin 🙂

  3. That pumpkin is a great idea. I saw one near campus that was equally inspired, if a bit gross. It had a big wide mouth and all the pumpkin guts were spewing out of it like vomit. Oh, college kids. How nice.

  4. great pumpkin …

  5. Mrs. Chicky says

    I LOVE that pumpkin!

    And, good lord, how cute is Cordy?

  6. That pumpkin is hilarious! Squeaks was terrified of the jack-o-lanterns, so I can’t imagine how she would react to that one!

  7. Major Bedhead says

    That pumpkin is hysterical! My friend did one of a big pumpkin eating a smaller one – I’ll have to tell her about yours for next year.

  8. It’s so funny when kids not our own get scared silly, ain’t it? (Okay, and sometimes it’s funny even when it’s our kids getting scared.)

  9. Poor kids! That is too funny. My brother set up an elaborate maze in his yard and dressed in a really creepy costume to scare kids. A ton of moms would cross the street with their kids before even getting to his house. My son was pretty freaked out even after he took off the mask. My boy kept saying, “I didn’t like it when Uncle Jeff did that, Mom”, and he kept turning around for the next couple of blocks to make sure we weren’t being followed.
    Love the pumpkin. Very creative!

  10. Hahaha, that is great! I wish I had such a great story to tell!

  11. Sarcastic Mom (aka Lotus) says

    I LOVE the kiddo-snarfin’ pumpkin! What a great idea!

  12. Love all the pics! I’ve had an absolute blast looking at everyone’s Halloween posts!


  13. Good Lord, that sounds just like my husband onHalloween! He was dressed as Dracula, in full make up and cape and all, and would stand, motionless, in the doorway. Little kids would run up our driveway, see him, pause, and cautiously approach… only to have him spring to live with a “Brraawwuuuwwaar!!!!” Which made them scream and run. One little girl refused to come up so Evan ran a sucker down to her.

  14. My Life As It Is says

    We have a neighbor that also scares the kids. The kids now know it, but the love the anticipation of it. Makes wonderful Halloween memories 🙂

  15. The jack-o-lantern is awesome!

    Love the story of the kid losing his shoe. Poor thing. Love it.

  16. >>I tried to tell them they had nothing to worry about, since he had clearly eaten

    LOL! You are so funny. Glad y’all enjoyed the holiday.

  17. I love the jack o lantern!

  18. Omigosh, that is so funny – all of it! ha ha ha! Slipshod and I both had a big huge chortle at the child-eating pumpkin. hee hee heeeeeeeeeee!

    Hey, speaking of spooky goings on at your house, what did you see on the trashcam?

  19. I just knew you would do something totally awesome for Halloween. I’m not disappointed.