Bunnies, Bunnies, Everywhere!

Does your child love bunnies? Cordy is currently obsessed with anything of the rabbit variety, asking for anything with long ears and a cute twitchy nose. Christmas may be filled with bunnies. While Bunnytown has her obsessed (I still maintain it’s crack for toddlers), she has suddenly fallen in love with anything of the bunny variety, including Miffy.

Ty’s Toy Box is giving away Miffy plushes, and I have an extra one to give away. Now, I’m not talking about a little Miffy toy – this stuffed animal is 28″ tall. Over two feet of bunny goodness, people! Look!

To win this awesome toy, leave a comment on this post telling me the toy your child would like the most from Ty’s Toy Box. You don’t have to be realistic – if it’s something you would never buy, but you know they’d love, tell us about it. They’ve got a lot more than Miffy there, too: Wiggles, Thomas, Backyardigans, Charlie & Lola, etc.

One person will be chosen at random (http://www.random.org) to win the Miffy doll. You have until Wednesday night at 11:59pm EST to enter. Winner will be announced Thursday morning. (Due to shipping, contest is only open to US residents. I’m sorry, Canadians – at least you have national health care.)

Also, if you’re still shopping for gifts, Ty’s Toy Box is offering readers free shipping on any orders over $65, plus $5 off any order over $50 with the coupon code HOLIDAY5.

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  1. I think that my boys would like anything from the Thomas the Train store.

  2. My son would love anything from the Thomas, but my daughter (who is now 13) would love the Land Before Time dinosaurs. They were a favorite when she was small – and she still has a well-loved Littlefoot stashed away in her room.

  3. my child is still unborn, but I want her to have a big, not scary from a carnival, stuffie so I can take pictures to compare her growth to it.
    Other than that I KNOW she will love legos.

  4. Um.. I have a bunny addict, and she’d LOVE the Miffy bunny. She saw it in the post and screamed about it. lol. I didnt have to look very hard.

    By the way, the bunnytown show is Livs new favorite too.

  5. I like bunnies … not sure what tatum would love all I can think of is a teether … hahah

  6. sufferingsummer says

    I’ll admit it is I who loves the bunny but I think my daughter would like it too…if I could get anything for my daughter it would be the entire collection of curious george books…she can not get enough of him.

  7. Little J would flip over the Wiggles sneakers (you said we didn’t have to actually consider buying them, right?)

  8. I just ordered a My Bedbugs doll from Ty’s and some Spongebob slippers. LOVE that store for making it so easy to shop the different characters!

    I’d love to win the big fat bunny!