The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly on a Sunday Night

The Good: At the Hanukkah gathering for Aaron’s family last night, Cordy got lots of great presents, including musical instruments. These included a set of maracas, a tambourine, and a triangle. She loves musical instruments, and went nuts with these new noise makers.

The Bad: Did I mention they make noise? Lots of noise? But she loves them, and I want to encourage a love of music, right?

The Ugly: “Take the instruments to bed, mommy? Carry them to my bed?” I can’t say no – I mean, she was so good at the family gathering, so I can’t refuse this little request.




PS – New reviews up over at Mommy’s Must Haves. See my reviews of a cool reading light for the car, and the ultimate family calendar/organziation system!

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  1. Hmm. You’re much nicer than I am…

  2. My sister and I weren’t speaking one Christmas and she sent my son a bunch of instruments that year. Grrrr. I feel your pain.

  3. Heehee! Im glad she loved the noise makers! Sounds like they might need to take a “nap” today. lol

  4. Too funny

  5. I’ll be forced to ban anyone from my home who thinks that maracas would be a good gift for either of my kids!

    Jennifer, Le Binky Bitch

  6. says

    I’m glad she likes her presents, but too bad for you they don’t have batteries….

  7. Monkey Kisses says

    oh man… that is not cool.. the 4 a.m. wake up call that is.. LOL

  8. Music to your ears no doubt!

    This is my calling card or link“Whittereronautism”until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.

  9. Julie @ Letter9 says

    My mo would call these childless aunt presents. I had one aunt growing up who always gave us noise-making gifts (one year I remember these shoes that made a loud squeaky noise with each step) and my mom was convinced it was because she didn’t have any kids of her own and didn’t understand what terrible gifts they were for the poor parents.

  10. MamaMichelsBabies says

    Oh the joys… could be worse.. could have been a bratz doll *ducks quickly before she can throw anything*

  11. I’m laughing with you, really ; )


  12. When Little J turned two, I bought him a drum at Target that had a bunch of other noisy instruments inside it. He was great about playing with it at appropriate times and I went out and bought it for all his friends when they turned two (I know, I know). Fate paid me back BIG TIME since he now bangs on the thing 24/7 and I am buying extra strength Tylenol by the case. But four in the morning definitely wins the prize. This too shall pass????

  13. Yeah. No instruments in bed. New rule.

  14. Dana J. Tuszke says

    Last Christmas my sister bought Dawson a drum set that included maracas, a harmonica and a tambourine as well as the drum and sticks. Thank Heavens she included ibuprofen and ear plugs for me and the hubs.