Where’s My Support Stockings and False Teeth?

Today, Aaron and I went to the mall for some holiday shopping.

We poked our heads into Spencer’s Gifts, a store I had to visit during every mall trip as a teen. I haven’t been in one for a few years now, and thought it might be fun to take a walk down memory lane and see what quirky and slightly racy stuff they had now.

I can tell you this: it’s not the Spencer’s I remember. I was actually stunned by some of the stuff I saw there.

I walked out feeling old and conservative. Ouch.


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  1. I feel the SAME way when I go in there with my 18 year old sister. She loves it and I just feel old.

  2. I used to go in there many many many years ago. Now that I am 40, I probably haven’t set foot in there for 20 years (yikes). I am sure if I went now, it will make me feel way old, and I am sure, like most things, it is much MORE trashier than back then. Sad in a way.

  3. motherbumper says

    Arggggggh – I hate it when that happens – it means we’ve grown up doesn’t it – f**k that sucks.

  4. Same old store to me: drug paraphenalia, black lights, and sex-related toys and such. Yeah, that’s how I remember it! (Doesn’t mean I’m not firmly appalled by it now!)

  5. Mrs. Chicken says

    I just had a conversation last night about how the whole world is raunchy and sexualized.

    Kids today! 🙂

  6. it is bad – or was it always bad and we just didn’t notice cause we didn;t have kids, and carrers etc – haha

  7. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch says

    I remember fake poo and whoopy cushions. Now it’s naughty, raunchy sex toys and worse. Eww.