Haiku Friday: The Power of a Hug

A major event:
Two little people hugging
Watch the video

I can’t even begin to tell you how my heart was nearly bursting witnessing this small interaction between these two. It came out of nowhere, too, making it the first (fully) unprompted affectionate gesture that Cordy has shown Mira.

This has been a long time coming for me. Mira is now seven months old, and for most of those seven months, Cordy has largely ignored her little sister. 95% of the time, Mira didn’t exist to Cordy – she was only an object that mommy was obsessing over. (You know, like a new computer.) She wouldn’t hold Mira, wouldn’t help me with her, and generally pretended like this small, screaming being was not right in front of her. I wish I had that power of denial sometimes.

Mira noticed Cordy long before Cordy noticed Mira, and it’s easy to see how much she wants to be seen by this bigger kid who is around her all the time. At the same time, I wanted Cordy to notice and love her little sister. I’ll admit that for awhile, I was afraid she might never care for Mira, but now I’m starting to see the bonds form, and it makes me giddy.

And so I grabbed the cameras as Cordy wanted to hug her little sister, and Mira gladly put up with a little rough handling.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button above.

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  1. to me, watching the relationship grow between my first two children, was the most amazing thing…ever!!! enjoy it, it gets even better (and worse!)

  2. I have three kids and, honestly, one of the best things about multiple kids is seeing their interactions. There can be a lot of fighting, but the bonds are amazing.

  3. Wonderful news! It’s a worthwhile endeavor, helping little ones learn to love one another. It doesn’t come naturally, does it? Awesome hug photo. πŸ™‚

  4. So happy for you and them! Very sweet…

  5. sooooo sweet! yay for cordy!

  6. So wonderful! It’s especially great that you captured it on video. And… I love the photo.

  7. That is so sweet! Cool that you caught it on video.

  8. As always, Cordy reminds me so much of Bub – that was his coping strategy, too, when Pie was born: he just totally ignored her existence, like there was a black hole in the room wherever she happened to be – he wouldn’t even look at her. Believe me, there are many WORSE ways for an older sibling to cope! And now Bub and Pie are everything to each other: friend, enemy, playmate, partner in crime.

  9. That is really sweet and great that you were able to capture it on video.

  10. Oh, I’m so glad the girls are getting along.

  11. That is just too precious!
    Wonderful haiku, and great video.
    It’s so much fun to watch sibling interaction, especially when it’s loving!!

  12. That photo is so sweet. I love the way Mira is looking at the camera while Cordy gives her a squeeze. That’s a framer!


  13. Oh, that was just adorable! And the final (still) photo is the icing on the cake. What a great start for ’08.

  14. Watching my two kids interact is my FAVORITE part about having two kids.

    LOVE that photo!

  15. Awww!

  16. Beautiful! As I sit here with tears in my eyes. Love the photo

  17. Head Gaggler says

    Awww, how sweet is that?? Gotta love sibling love. My kids hug each other all the time. I guess I am lucky.

  18. That is so sweet! That must have really been heart warming to see.

  19. OH that is so sweet! Carson has been loving on baby Ella, she loves him right back…most of the time!

  20. Aww!!! SOOO Sweeet!! I love it!

    My sister HATED me when I came along….I still haven’t gotten over it.

    Here’s to happy relations in the future!

  21. adorable! nothing like sisterly love, even if it took just a little while to come.

  22. How cute! Found you via BlondeMom and thought I’d give Haiku Friday a shot.

  23. OMIGOD that is ADORABLE! Excuse me while I gush loudly. I nearly melted while watching the video, especially when Mira started to reach out for Cordy. Sniff! I’m so happy for you all that Cordy’s come around on the baby sister situation. :o)

    I have to tell you, The Bug loves to look at kid pictures and videos on my computer and she thinks that any curly-haired and about-the-right-age big sister in any picture MUST be her big sister, so she yells her sister’s name while pointing at the screen. So she was yelling Sweet Pea’s name while pointing at Cordy on the screen. ha ha!

  24. How utterly sweet. I’m sure it has been hard to wait, watch and wonder if Cordy was going to ever invite her sister into her world…I’m so glad she did and even happier for you that you were able to capture it on video and in that darling photo.

    Here’s to 2008 bringing many more milestones in Cordy life πŸ™‚

  25. Mommy off the Record says

    Awww. So very precious. I can’t wait to see my boys hug like that!

  26. Awww! That’s soooo cute!

    I’m glad Cordy finally took that step to acknowledge her love for Mira!

  27. MamaMichelsBabies says

    Awesome!! And it will make you cry harder when they are older and your convinced from their fighting that they really hate eachother when you see it.

    I’m glad you got those pictures, they will be some that you pull out and get misty eyed over forever.

  28. Wow — how special! What a lovely way to share this long-awaited happening. Isn’t technology marvelous for times like these?

    I’m glad to find other Haiku Friday participants finally. My first 2 were created yesterday … one of each of my blogs. I look forward to reading what others have created in the days and weeks ahead.
    Hugs and blessings,

  29. SOO wonderful and amazing!! Made me teary!

  30. OMG – too cute! I love it! What a great photo!

  31. Too sweet!! Thank goodness for video πŸ™‚

  32. Mira looks so happy in the pic at the bottom — she has this very Sally-Field-You-Like-Me look to her. Adorable.

  33. Dana J. Tuszke says

    So cute! I’m happy they are getting around to sisterly love and hugs!