Hey Gerber, Did You Think We Wouldn’t Notice?

While buying baby food yesterday – something I do at least twice a week, thanks to the bottomless pit we refer to as Mira – I found myself rummaging around looking for more organic choices. I usually don’t buy Gerber organic, but that’s all there was at this particular grocery. There weren’t many organic jars, so I chose a few non-organic jars as well.

Yeah, I know, it would be cheaper to make my own baby food, but I’m lazy and can’t even melt chocolate without nearly setting my kitchen on fire, so a little leeway, OK?

And then, when I got home and lined up the jars to put them away, I noticed it:

No, not my spotless stovetop (See? No cooking!) – look at the jars! Two jars of Gerber baby food. Both Stage 3. One organic, one, uh…non-organic. Or regular. Whatever.

Do you see the difference? Here, let me digitally enhance the picture to show you a little more clearly:

The regular Gerber Stage 3 baby food is 6 ounces. The organic Gerber Stage 3 baby food is 5.5 ounces. That’s 0.5 ounces missing from the organic jar.

Seeing this difference in jars makes me wonder:

  • Do pesticides weigh 0.5 ounces?
  • Is organic somehow more dense?
  • Do babies who eat organic not need as much food? If so, can you tell that to my devourer?
  • Do they assume that organic is fed only to babies of celebrities, who don’t want their kids to get too fat, cause, like, you know…fat cells stick with you for life?
  • Is the organic jar somehow edible as well? (the ultimate green packaging?)

I should also point out that the organic – the smaller jar! – costs 50% more than the non-organic.

What’s going on, Gerber? There is no reason why a jar of organic baby food should contain less food than a standard jar. My child needs that 0.5 ounces – I’m not cracking open another jar to give her that little bit extra. Besides, if I do, then I’m down an entire ounce for that jar, requiring me to open another jar to replace that ounce, and then more math is involved and my baby girl cries in hunger as I try to figure out how much food is just enough without being so much that she spits up all over me, thus requiring more food again.

Suddenly making my own baby food isn’t sounding so bad.

So do me a favor, Gerber: give me back my 0.5 ounces. Do you want this little face going hungry?

You don’t want me hungry. I’ll eat your nose off.
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  1. LOL you are hilarious. And I’m willing to bet that those jars are the same price or that the organic is more expensive.

  2. That is funny as hell – the picture of Mira looks like she’s ready to come through the screen and eat my head.
    I miss her. Smooch her for me!
    Everything healthier costs more. It’s not right.

  3. Mira is just darling. That face, oh my word.
    Isn’t it ridiculous! I swear making your own baby food is way easier than you think. Seriously.
    I’ve done it. It’s super easy and sooo much cheaper, plus you are guaranteed that you know everything your child is eating.
    But this, this was funny stuff woman.

  4. What a face! Although I don’t know, with those chubby cheeks, the “starving” ploy probably isn’t going to work. So cute!!!

    I always hate how manufactures think they are going to fool you by NOT raising prices, but making the package smaller. Remember when all ice cream used to be in half gallon sizes. Now they are 1 1/2 quarts usually.

  5. I will argue with rachel here — making your own food is not easy. The jarred food options in the UK are terrible, so I had to make some second time around, and it is a PITA.

    I suspect it is smaller because to make it bigger it would be even more expensive and then they would not be able to sell as much. And it does have to be more expensive because organic farming is so pricey.

  6. the whole “it’s more expensive to make” argument doesn’t hold weight when you realize, IT ALREADY COSTS MORE.

    Gimme back my ounces, dang it.


  7. Julie Pippert says

    Oh how cute is she!!

    As a mom to two hungry all the time kids, I feel ya.

    I will say I ended up making my own baby food…and I am the laziest person ever.

    My mom’s group had a food making party a couple of times and that got me going. We all brought something, made it and traded. Like a cookie exchange,only no cookies. 😉

    But I am LOL at this…it’s so true. Organic is important but such a ripoff.

    And “do pesticides weigh .5 ounces.” ROFL

  8. The organic is more expensive to make, so you get a smaller jar… still sucks. We make our own and it’s not all that hard, I promise!

  9. That used to frustrate me, as well. And I love that shot of Mira!

  10. My thought is that organic baby food is a waste of money. They are not going to allow any pesticides in your baby food.

    I even went so much as to get the generic Meijer’s brand. That and we just started grinding whatever we were having for dinner for her at 8 months. You should see what tacos look like after a food mill has gotten a hold of it.

  11. mothergoosemouse says

    Mira is adorable even when she’s pissed. I’d be pissed too if someone was trying to cheat me out of 0.5 oz. of yummy fruit.

  12. I accidently bought organic one time … never again! Never!

  13. that face is precious.

    and the extra .5 ounces? went the same place as all the rest of the stuff that costs more for less product.


  14. motherbumper says

    Gerber – for the love of golly, save the noses! Arggh – so much for supporting healthy lifestyles (oh wait, unhealthy lifestyles spend more money… oh I get it now).

  15. you’re makin’ me laugh! But in an indignant, WTH, supportive-of-your-rant kind of way.

    Nice closing pic!

  16. Oh, what a great pic or Mira. I’ve noticed a lot of companies monkeying around with the sizes of their products. It almost makes we want to move to my land in rural IL and become a subsistence farmer.

  17. Hello fellow CBUS gal. I just found you through Bossy- yahoo for us! I am so excited to check yr blog out!!!! Amy

  18. i certainly wouldn’t want to mess with that mug! 😉

  19. omg, she’s cute.
    i made all my own organic food for bee. hope i have it in me to do the same for dove, because those companies will get a gal every time. bah.

    (but really, making food is super easy. steam it and smoosh it. that’s about it.)

  20. Fat cells STICK WITH YOU FOR LIFE?

    Oh yeah. I heard that once before. Whatever. But I must say this: your post is hilarious. Cracked me up in a way I’ve never been cracked up before. I don’t know how to put myself back together.

    Good one.

  21. Alex Elliot says

    They also appear to be two different colors as well!

  22. Sarcastic Mom (aka Lotus) says

    Dude. That face kills me!