Haiku Friday: Gamer’s Paradise

It took long enough
but then we received the call:
Wii would like to play

For the low cost of
two hundred forty-nine bucks
you can bowl with friends

Thanks to Aaron’s brother, we are now the proud owners of a Wii. Awesome game system, and perfect for parties. I can’t wait to try out more games.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

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  1. Yeah for the wii. We love it. My 6 y/o can still beat me at just about anything, but it is fun. My favorite is Big Brain Academy, but bowling is always fun too.

  2. Glad I’m not the only one burning the midnight oil. *yawn*

  3. Good for you!! You will have so much fun!!

  4. Oopsy… sorry, I had the wrong url when I signed in the first time. Not sure how/if I can delete it. I also love Big Brain Academy.

  5. I messed up the second one too. Can you tell I’m that tired? zzzzzzzzz

  6. We love our wii. My favorite IS bowling (strained a muscle doing that one time – too enthusiastic, I guess). 😛

  7. Yay! We love our Wii. I also liked that it plays my old Game Cube games. I love me some Pikman!

    Happy Friday!

  8. Oh , Wii love ours. Next you need Guitar Hero. YAY for you.

  9. My husband has played with a Wii, but I haven’t had the chance *stares and whistles*

    He walked past the display in Costco and jokingly grabbed one on the sly. It would be the demise of our 3-yr-old, he’s already expert at using a PC AND a Mac.

  10. weeeeee for wii!!

  11. Fun! We were able to get ours because SwingDaddy’s brother works at a game store and set one aside.

  12. I have never tried it. It sounds addictive. Perhaps I should avoid it. 😉

  13. Sarcastic Mom (aka Lotus) says

    Dude, I still haven’t been invited over to anyone’s Wii party.

    Cuz, that’s the only way we’ll get to play. Wii no get to have a Wii!

  14. we love our wii… and sometimes i hate our wii

  15. I hope you enjoy your new toy!
    Hugs and blessings,

  16. 249?????Gah. I don’t have all that many friends to bowl with.

    😉 Have fun.

  17. Sounds like fun. Haven’t tried it, but it seems a lot cooler than most video games.

  18. Oh, that is so exciting!

  19. The Wii is great. Have you done the stamina test yet?

  20. You need to get the Rayman games. They are oodles of fun and don’t require a huge amount of skill with the wii-mote.

  21. Ooo, have fun!

  22. I want a Wii. 🙁

  23. Wii love to play!!! It’s so much fun!!

  24. Wheeee for the new Wii!! They’re so much fun 🙂 Those are hard to come by, congrats!

  25. wii is the best 🙂 and a little evil. and the boxing? a very good way to get out a few stresses…

  26. my son won a wii from wendys…is that the coolest? it’s addictive! seriously! and…all the games, you get so into them that, the next morning…you are going to have an achy body…like you were working out!! it’s crazy!
    enjoy it!

  27. Ha! Love it. Great ‘ku. I’ve not yet tried the Wii, and I’m scared I’ll love it.

  28. yay for Wii’s!! We have one and it’s sooo much fun 🙂 Even the 2yr old can play some of the games, and the baby loves to watch hehe

  29. Yay! You are going to have so much fun.

    Maybe even get in a workout. 😉

  30. If I had a Wii that would be just one more thing for my grandkids to bug me about and then fight over. I think I shall remain Wii-less. lol

  31. Thanks for hosting Haiku Friday! I love reading everyone’s haikus!

  32. Woo hoo!! A Wii!! We got ours last year and love it 🙂

  33. Oooh, I want a Wii! Have fun and happy Haiku Friday!

  34. Crunchy Domestic Goddess says

    a wii sounds like a lot of fun but wii’ve yet to get one yet.
    btw, this is my first haiku friday. 🙂

  35. Hey! I Haiku’d about Wii, too! Must be because it’s made in Japan…

  36. Congrats! I love the wii. I, oddly, really enjoy the excite truck game.

  37. wii love our wii! 🙂

  38. Jerseygirl89 says

    I can’t wait to get a Wii. I think. It’s possible that I may never sleep, if I get one.

  39. First haiku, last line: perfect.

    I hear the Wii tennis rocks.