The No Good, Very Bad Day

So far today:

– I walked outside yesterday to get the mail and discovered a flat tire on the SUV. The tires are only two months old. Took the car in this morning, meaning I’m without a car for the day. I hope the leak can be plugged, because I really don’t want to buy another new tire.

– While getting Mira out of her crib for her overnight bottle, I notice my nightshirt is suddenly warm and wet. Then notice she’s wet. Then check and find the entire crib wet. Change the leaky diaper, her sleeper, the sheets, and my shirt before putting her back to bed. (No, she didn’t get a bath before I put her back to bed. Call me a bad mother all you want – at least I’m a bad mother who got a little bit of sleep.)

– Wake up again to find Aaron standing beside the bed telling me to go downstairs and watch Cordy because he can’t stand to be near her at the moment. Find out that she knocked his computer off the couch (while he was trying to get her to stop jumping on the couch), and now it won’t start up again.

– Aaron calls tech support, who walks him through dismantling half of the laptop to diagnose the problem. With every non-essential piece spread out across the table, we find out it still won’t work. The motherboard is possibly fried, and the in-home support tech may not be here until tomorrow.

– Cordy didn’t have school yesterday because of a teacher training day. Today?

Snow day. (You’d swear we lived in the south – this warrants a day off?) So no school again, and she’s starting to go manic. And I’m starting to consider if cocktails at noon is such a bad thing.

– Mira is also cutting one of her top teeth. She’s Cranky McCranker-Pants today. And she’s stepped up her attempts to eat all the paper, hair and carpet fuzz she can find.

– Just a few minutes ago, Cordy went up to her room to play, and I heard a *thunk*…*thunk* coming from her room. Walked in to find her in the glider, rocking it hard enough to slam it into the wall, forming a lovely dent in the wall. At least I caught her before it progressed to a full hole in the wall.

Can I get a break, please? Surely all of this is building up some good karma for something, right?

PS – It’s only 10:45 am.

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  1. Oh yuck… that is a bad day.

    I am sending as much extra Karma as I can squeeze out to you.

    I am crossing my fingers on those tires and that laptop. Barf.

  2. motherbumper says

    Karma owes you BIG TIME. Things can only get better (right? oh please let that be correct).

    And btw, I wouldn’t give a bath – sleep is so much more important.

  3. That is a bad mother myth. You are excused from bathing a child in the middle of the night for merely wetting through a diaper. Wipes work fine.

    I sent my kid to the baby sitter with a milky Mohawk, thanks to breakfast this morning.

    Tomorrow will be better. Maybe when Aaron gets home tonight, you can go somewhere, a closet or a bathroom, and just shut the door.

  4. ouch! this is not a fun day!

  5. Domesticator says

    Hey, I am all for cocktails during the day, especially when it’s a day that is as bad as the one you’ve had.

    Tomorrow will be better….

  6. You’re supposed to BATHE your kid when she pees all over herself in the middle of the night? Wow, that would never even occur to me. I’m a way worse mother than you.
    Hope the rest of the day is way smoother.

  7. Mrs. Chicken says

    we had a similar laptop situation – Mr. C’s powerbook died and the repair center kept insisting we had dropped it. We vehemently denied it, since neither of us had. After a lot of arguing, they honored the warranty and covered the repair. A week later, Mr. C caught The Poo standing on his laptop.

    Hope your day gets better!

  8. Oh I so hear you…you must be in the same weather pattern we are. I used to LOVE snow days – when I was a teacher and had no children of my own. We actually had school called off a couple of weeks ago because it was too cold – no snow, just too cold.

    I think you should get a whole weekend away at a spa – somewhere warm!

  9. There are a few times Princess woke up wet and I let a baby wipe do the trick until the morning. Sleep is far too precious to me.

    Hope your day got better!

  10. I would just like to say I would NEVER NEVER NEVER give LG a bath in the middle of the night. Hell no. Clear enough? Ha ha!

  11. Extra Karam going your way baby…starting now!

    Trying To Have a Baby – A Mother’s Story

  12. nneFingers crossed that the rest of your day gets much better!!

  13. Must have been something in the air yesterday, my kids were absolute monsters and the day just kicked my ass. Just awful.

    I hope today was better.

  14. You need a sitter or a grandma to come over and watch the kids while you lock yourself in the bathroom for a much deserved bath. Seriously, I have decided baths are the answer to all things bad..

  15. Jennifer, Le Binky Bitch says

    Today is better, right??? Right??? I mean, it HAS to be!!

  16. Snow days should be outlawed. We have been having that kind of week here too. My husband’s helpful comment when he gets home last night at 6pm? She needs to get out for more exercise. Next time I will just send her out in the monsoon. Brilliant.

    Hope today is going better!

  17. Oh MAN! I HATE days like that!