Dressed Up For The Prom

When going to a party, there’s always that fear in the back of your mind that you might run into another woman at the party wearing the exact. same. dress. And it’s even worse if she looks better in the dress than you do, right?

OK, truthfully, I probably wouldn’t care. I’ve never been much of a slave to fashion myself. Except for prom in high school. When it came to my prom, I wanted to have the best dress out there. I remember buying Your Prom magazine and clipping out pictures of dresses I liked, scrutinizing the features of each dress, considering which dresses would look best on my figure and so on. It was the one time in my life when you could officially call me “girly”.

For the 1993 prom, I picked the perfect dress. We were still in the final few years of the Southern belle style gowns in the Midwest, before slim-line dresses would become the prom gold standard, and when I saw this dress I knew it was for me. Off the shoulder to show off my upper half, full skirt to hide my lower half, and in my perfect color: royal blue. Plus let’s not forget the lace and tulle.

While the dress was nearly impossible to fold into my date’s car, I felt like a princess. And thankfully, when I walked in I was relieved to see no one else was wearing my dress. (Although two other girls were wearing a dress in the same style, different color, and gave each other the evil eye all night for it).

So you can imagine my surprise when, 15 years after the prom, I see my dress on someone else while surfing through my Bloglines! It would seem that the dress was also perfect for T With Honey. Proof? OK, click the link and take a look at that dress. Yes, she had it pulled up to show off her awesome lace ankle boots, but you can get the general idea.

And now, me in the dress:

Focus on the dress, not the geeky date, OK?

See? Same dress. And my 31 year-old self LOVES that I wasn’t the only one who wore that dress to prom. That dress meant so much to me – I put so much of my self-worth into that dress. How I looked in my prom dress would determine my entire prom night, which would determine how my high school experience would be capped. It’s crazy to think I put so much importance on a dress, but oh how I loved it.

I’m not sure what happened to my prom dress. It hung in my room, plastic dry-cleaning bag still covering it, until I graduated from college. At that point my mom moved, and many of my things were boxed up or discarded. I think I told her to get rid of the dress, and that’s probably for the best. I’d be happy to see one of my daughters wear my wedding dress, but I’d rather they stay far away from that mess of satin, lace and tulle. I don’t think it’ll come back in style during this century.

Anyone else want to show off their totally cool prom dresses? Or even better, prom hair? You can’t see all the curls well in that picture, but I can assure you that it took over three hours and a gazillion bobby pins to pull off that hair sculpture. If someone else posts their prom hair, maybe I’ll dig out a close-up of mine to show off.

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  1. Awesome!

    I’ll definitely dig up a prom picture too.

  2. Hawt momma!!
    I didn’t wear a dress to prom 🙂 I wore a black sleeveless top with silver pinstripes and black pants.

  3. You look beautiful in ‘our’ dress. And I too am loving the fact that someone else picked out the same gown back in 1993, but we were both the only one wearing it at our proms!

    Can’t wait to see other bloggers in their prom finest!

  4. That is really cool. Unfortunately, I have nothing to share. I was that painfully shy kid who didn’t even go to the prom even though someone had asked me! Now I feel bad for turning him down since I know it takes guts to ask. If you are out there, it had nothing to do with you at all, it was all about me and my intense desire not to be visible.

  5. If I can figure out how to get my scanner to work, I’ll post a pic of my dress.

    I looked like a cheap whore in mine.

  6. Chicky Chicky Baby says

    Wow. I’ll have to see if I can find some old prom pictures but I think I might have burned them. 😉

  7. The Domesticator says

    Hey! You look great in that dress!

    I’ll tell you this…my prom dresses had too much taffeta and my hair looked like a poodle. I hate to say this, but I’d rather burn them than show them to anyone, never mind the internet *LOL*

  8. Wow…I wish I would have had the guts to actually go dress shopping for my prom. I basically went because I thought: “If I have a daughter, I need to tell her about it someday.” Well, now, two daughters and ahem…16 years later…I’m glad I went, but it was a dress my Mom found at a discount shop(I never wore them then) and the whole night was tough, because my grandpa had passed that same day. But…I would have definately liked that dress too…if I had seen it…no puffy hair for me, it was short and spiky!! (For swim class, actually.)

  9. I looked for one but couldn’t find one – asked mom to pull some out!

    funny that you found it on another blog!

  10. Jerseygirl89 says

    Wow, that was quite dress – like, totally awesome, dude!

    I don’t know if I can scare up a picture of me in my Laura Ashley prom dress, but I can tell you that four other people wore it to my prom.

  11. I think you looked amazing in that dress! My prom dress was teal blue, tea length, and had a weird fabric flower on one of the straps, but I felt so beautiful wearing it. I need to dig out a photo.

  12. ladyvonkulp says

    Wow, the hair!

    I rented my prom dress, since there was no way my stingy german mother was going to waste money on something that was only going to be worn once for some silly adolescent ceremony. It was all off-white, southern Belle skit, and gigantic poof sleeves. And the BF wore a white tux, without consulting with me. Agh!

    Oh, and I wound up climbing a ladder to the second story, with my chivalrous BF holding the ladder, then wriggling through a bedroom window because I’d forgotten my key. What a night.

  13. ladyvonkulp says

    Score! I found them. I’ll scan them later on.

  14. Oh lord. Check me out.

  15. Major Bedhead says

    Too funny. I posted mine over the weekend, before I even saw yours. Our dresses are eerily similar, but 9 years apart.