Haiku Friday: A Feminine Topic

“You’ll feel a small pinch”
said the doctor. Liar. More
like a stabbing pain.

But in a flash it
was over. And now I’m not
fertile (for a time)

A temporary
solution before we make
a permanent choice.

Do I want more kids?
I thought no way, but I can’t
commit to that thought

We now have five years
to decide if there will be
more diapers to change

Sorry to any guys reading this today. I’m sure the last thing you want to read about is birth control.

This week I decided to get an IUD. Partially because I’m sick of condoms and never want to take birth control pills ever again. (Can you say psycho mood swings?) Did it hurt? Well, I’ll say it’s amazing how pain from one small area can radiate up your spine and into your teeth.

This wasn’t exactly the plan we had set up before Mira. Originally, after Mira was born, we were going to wait about six months, and then Aaron was meeting up with a doctor to discuss severing certain cords to prevent any more little people. And after Mira was born – after 21 long hours of labor – I was still committed to that plan.

But as we drew closer to our V-Day, doubts started to creep in. Are we sure we never want another baby? Truth is, we’re not 100% sure. Probably 95% sure, but that lingering 5% still nags me every time I see a fresh new baby, all red, wrinkly and squishy. I think Aaron still wishes for a son, too. We’re not in a position (financially or mentally) to have a third child at the moment, but in a year or two our situation may be different.

So nature and her biological drive to procreate have won this battle for now. Our fertility is halted, but not eliminated. We’ve got up to five years to decide if we want another baby before this IUD has to be removed. If we don’t want another baby by five years, then the vasectomy will be a reality.

(And yes, I know the the IUD has the risk of a surprise pregnancy, too.)

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! We will delete any links without haiku!

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  1. I’m soooo there. I’m pretty sure I don’t want any more monkeys, but that final step is a doozy.

    Pretty ironic ‘ku for the weekend, is it not? 🙂

  2. Glad to hear this from a Mom’s perspective.

    Happy Haiku Friday!

  3. I am soo happy with my IUD. I had one previously, too.

    The only problem? Um, yeah – that pinch is NO FUN. Then? It’s all good!

  4. Ouch! That sounds like a painful experience. 🙁

  5. Momma to LG says

    I had an IUD and LOVED it! good luck.

  6. Ow. Pain is not my friend either. Wishing you all the best. And happy Mother’s day!

  7. oh my. it seems i hit enter alot, not on purpose mind you. and i now have three entries – when, really, one will do me.

    had my tubes tide for medical reasons, but am so glad i did. no more worrying and no more temptation. we’ve got our fill!

  8. Sarcastic Mom (aka Lotus) says

    I can’t imagine ever being sure – permanent decisions make me feel all itchy. 😉

  9. I think that is so smart. I have so many friends that rushed into doing something permanent, and then had to find a rug big enough to sweep their regrets under. Conversely, I know lots of people who by design, or by surprise had a baby they didn’t know they were planning for, and I’ve never met one who regretted it. Even last night, at my ripe old age of 42, I was telling my husband I’ve been having thoughts of jumping off the BC trail and “just seeing what happens”. Of course, even with my fertility problems, we have two little “see what happens”, so we probably won’t! LOL.

  10. If you have even 5% doubt, I think you did the right thing. *hugs*

    We are in the same boat. We only ordered one more after Jake, but surprise we ended up with twins. We’re holding off on something permanent because hey, you never know, we could win the lottery someday, become millionaires and then could afford more children, right? The same thing could happen to you!!

  11. Easy birth control… you can’t beat it!

  12. My doc recently recommended an IUD but we are still trying to decide whether even to take that temporary step right now or to let nature take its course. Good to know it’s not a painless process; guess that fits, since I am finding that the decision is not painless either.

    On a lighter note, I got through some writer’s block by putting my thoughts in haiku form first, so thanks!

  13. I am thinking about something similar… The last thing I could handle at the moment is another pregnancy!

  14. i’ve had my mirena for just over a year and i LOVE it. seriously love it.

  15. it’s nice to have options. My husband was going to get the V, but he was procrastinating and surprise along came baby #4. Now we are done, and i have done something more permanent!

  16. This story could be my own except I haven’t been in for the IUD just yet. We were going to do the snip snip, too, but I think I am too young to forego any big decisions about babies yet.

  17. I’ve always wondered if an IUD hurt. Not that I want one, I still want lots more kids, but my neighbor is thinking about one (she just had her 4th baby) and she was worried about the pain.

    So much more than a pinch, eh? Yikes.

    Glad to hear you’re leaving the option open just in case. It’s tough to make a decision if you’re not 1000% sure.

  18. Leaving your options
    open until ‘sure’ makes sense.
    Happy Mother’s Day!

    Hugs and blessings,

  19. DeuceMom says

    Good for you for not jumping the gun. Now you have 5 years to be at peace with your decision. Yeah, after my 32 hour labor I almost asked to have my tubes tied! So glad I didn’t!

  20. mothergoosemouse says

    I’ll say this: Inserting the IUD was less stressful than removing it while pregnant.

    I do think it’s a great option when you’re not 100% sure. As for my situation – well, que sera sera!

  21. “This won’t hurt a bit” – Yeah right.

    We’re definitely done at two babies. Good luck with deciding if you’re going for three! 🙂

  22. I definitely hear you on this one!