How Today Is Going (So Far)

1. Waking up at 5:30 am so you can be on TV at 7:45am is tough. Especially when I barely slept all night, because I was going to be on TV at 7:45am.

2. It was right about here that my stomach decided to climb up and lodge itself in my throat:

Yes, that’s the entrance.

3. I now understand the difference between my husband with his BFA in Acting, and me with my BA in History. One of us has stage presence – the other likes to read dusty old books and learn about dead people, which does nothing to provide any ability to speak on camera.

4. TV studios are far smaller than you’d think they are. And the people working there are amazing. They’re very nice, and so able to change what they’re doing in a moment’s notice if needed. I could never do their job.

5. Remember David Archuletta on American Idol and the criticism that he closes his eyes too much on camera? Yeah, well, apparently I look at the ground a lot. It’s a good thing I was just on local TV, and not national, like other better-spoken bloggers.

Local TV also has no fancy green room with exotic foods. Still, it worked
fine for practicing deep breathing before going on.

6. I’m glad I was given the chance to promote Being Savvy Columbus with 3 of my 15 minutes of fame.

7. I think people in Columbus now think I make a lot of money from blogging. Ahem… HAHAHAHAHA!!!

8. Hot afternoon days make for fun, wet backyard activities.

She’s up…

…and she’s down.

9. Later this afternoon, I subjected myself to having 6 suspicious moles removed. It’s probably nothing, but considering I spent most childhood summers looking like I was trying to be the mascot for Red Lobster, skin cancer is always a worry for me.

10. In the doctor’s office, I had a conversation with my doctor that proves that the internet, web content and blogging are topics that can connect us all. (Hi, Dr. H! Welcome to my blog!)

11. Now that I think about it, it’s a good thing I did the live TV interview first and then have six small circles of skin removed from my body, rather than the other way around.

12. I’m nearly positive my youngest daughter is British. She’s been saying hello for several weeks now, except that her version of “hello” is more like “al’lo!” or “el’lo!” Today, as my mom was leaving, she tried to get Mira to say bye-bye, and instead Mira gave her a proper British-sounding “ta-ta!” Next word to teach her: “gov’ner”.

13. Happy birthday, Aaron!

14. I passed all of my nursing school classes this quarter!

15. I just realized that scheduling a TV interview and dermatology surgery on my husband’s birthday probably makes me a bad wife. Especially since I haven’t even signed the card I bought him yet. Of course, I did buy him a card and gift, so that has to count for something, right?

I really didn’t need all of the excitement for the week to happen in just one day.

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  1. Whoa, BIG day! But in a good way!

  2. Whoa! That’s a jam packed day!

    Hope you and husband celebrated and relaxed later!

    So what’s in store for tomorrow?

  3. Wait, only one of you has stage presence?? Aren’t you one of the crazy people who dressed up in heavy, elaborate costumes and wandered around a vaguely England-ish village every summer? ~_^

  4. HA! FireDad saw you on TV! I just read this post outloud and he was all, “HEY! I SAW THAT!”

    I was, uh, still in bed. Or, really, I was in BigBrother’s toddler bed because that’s where I ended my night. OMG. UGh.

    Anyway, FD says, “GOOD JOB!”

    (Also, yes, TV stations are smaller than you think. Hahahaha. You should go visit the one I worked at. MUAHAHAHA.)

  5. I can’t wait to hear all about it at our next ladies night.

    Sorry I missed you on TV.

  6. Holy cow, what a day. I want to see the show! And hope all is well on the mole front. You know.

  7. Man, I totally spaced and forgot to tune in to your three minutes of local fame. BOO!

    But tell Aaron happy birthday from someone he’s never met.

    : )

  8. Congrats on getting through the TV interview experience. Talk about nerve-wracking!

  9. mothergoosemouse says

    Wow! Congrats on the TV appearance, happy birthday to Aaron, and I think you ought to teach Mira to say “Bloody well right!”