BlogHer 08: The Swag

(Click to enlarge)

Naturally, after I took this picture I found more swag in another pocket of my suitcase. And that’s just the swag I brought home – I left a lot in San Francisco.

Serious, detailed post coming soon. I’m still trying to play catch-up with life, but should be on top of it all by tomorrow.

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  1. 3carnations says

    Wow. That’s a lot of stuff!

  2. DesignHER Momma says

    looks pretty sway-tastic!

  3. Too cool!!

  4. Amelia Sprout says

    Wow. I can see a few things in there I wish I had already.

  5. Oh seriously, you’ve got contest prize fodder for months!!!

    You should have for the first person to contact you with a child named Peyton. That works!

  6. Mom to 4 says

    That’s quite a bit of swag! I’m digging the sling (at least I think that’s what it is). I always wanted one to use with my kids, now I just want one to use with the kids I babysit. 🙂

  7. Jaelithe says

    Man, you managed to snag way more swag than I did. I felt like I was too busy to go swag shopping. However, it’s for the best as I only brought carryons.

  8. I’m so jealous. Next year, for sure.

  9. I am stopping by to help out with the blog the recession and wanted to leave a comment on an old post. Sure looks like a lot of swag and from what I read on other blogs it sounds like the blogher 08 was a blast. One year maybe I will be able to go.