Wait, I Have A Blog?

Oh yeah, it’s Tuesday, isn’t it? I suppose you’re probably thinking It’s been TWO DAYS since BlogHer ended, so where’s my update, lady! I get it – I’d probably be thinking the same thing, too, if my keyboard didn’t look like such an inviting pillow at the moment.

I had a lovely 5 hours of sleep last night, which would be fine in most cases, but considering it was 5 of the 6 total hours I had slept in the past 48 hours, you can see how I might be just a wee bit exhausted. Thanks to a very early morning flight on Monday, and the voice of my frugal grandmother somewhere in a corner of my brain tsk-tsking me Pay $200 for another night at the hotel when you’d have to leave it at 4am to catch your flight? Do you think you’re made of money? I spent the night in the airport, uploading pictures and waiting for the American Airlines ticket counter to open.

(That 6th hour of sleep was graciously provided by my friend Violet, who invited me back to her house after the conference on Sunday, feeding me fast food burritos and offering her guest room for a quick nap.)

A full recap is coming, but I came home to a vomiting three year old with a high fever (yet unusually clear in her language skills), so I’m on sick child duty today. And need to run to the grocery and do all of those other mundane tasks I forgot about while I was gallivanting around San Francisco like some kind of blogging superstar.

Oh, and TSA? Was it really necessary to confiscate the sealed jar of Jif peanut butter I accidentally left in my carry-on? How exactly am I furthering the terrorist cause? Killing people by clogging their arteries?

More to come…

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  1. Yikes! That’s not much of a welcome home 🙁 Hope everyone is feeling well-rested and healthy soon!

  2. It would indeed be a slow death. Probably not really what terrorists are going for.

  3. Condo Blues says

    I hear that peanut butter, when taken in overly excessive amounts may contribute to ass-width (I should know.) Thanks goodness for the TSA keeping us safe from hydrongenated oils!

  4. I’ve read a study or two that shows that when kids on the ASD run a fevor their language improves. Hold true for my son.

    Hope she’s feeling better soon!

  5. You are not taking arterial health seriously. Haha.

    Hope that the little one feels better soon. Good to see you this weekend!

  6. so great to meet you!!

    peanut butter? seriously?

  7. Looking forward to more details and pictures!
    PS hope Cordy feels better soon!

  8. Sometimes I only get 6 hours of sleep in a 48 hour period and I don’t even get to go on a fun trip. LOL!!

    Can’t wait to hear all about it.

  9. I was beginning to wonder if you enjoyed your break from kids so much that you decided to not come home from BlogHer!

    Hope Cordy get better soon and that the rest of you don’t get it.

  10. My Jif was confiscated too. Those TSA bastards will be enjoying PB&Js for quite a while, thanks to BlogHer.


  11. I’ve seen lots of pictures of you all over the place! Oh wow, did that just sound totally creepy or WHAT!? But it always looks like a fantastic time was had by all and instills a deep need to make sure everything in the universe aligns so ’09 can happen.

    Get some rest, I hope little one is feeling improved already.

  12. I fell right into this funny moment with you via Blogher. You know, the “more from blogher thing.”
    I love finding funny people. You are one of them. I feel not only humored, but also sorry for the loss of PB and the sick wee one.
    Nice to bump into you.

  13. Hope your little one is feeling better. Can’t wait to hear all about BlogHer.