I Got Your Geeky Man Cave Right Here

Parent Bloggers is hosting another blog blast this weekend, and the theme for this one is extremely amusing to me. They want to see the “man cave” in our houses – you know, that area your husband (or you) has claimed as his own and filled with stuff that he can’t bear to part with.

This was a little tough for me, because Aaron has several small stashes of stuff that would be ideal to showcase. Maybe pictures of his bookcases (yes, plural) full of sci-fi novels and gaming books? Or the multiple sci-fi marathon, horror movie marathon, and stage combat workshop t-shirts he’s amassed over the years and refuses to part with?

But then I decided what would work best. Mira’s room, before she was born, was Aaron’s own not-so-much man cave as man war-room. But now that Mira is here, much of his stuff had to be pushed aside to make room for her. The bookcases remain in her room, with gaming books next to a crib and baby toys, and the small walk-in closet is still his entirely. Here are some of the contents:

Closer views:

What’s all in there? Here’s a short list of some of the more prominent items:

1. Lots of stage combat swords of different sorts
2. Can of enamel spray paint for painting miniatures for gaming
3. Box of rope and wooden “knives” for stage combat
4. Fencing jacket
5. Toolbox (OK, this is the family toolbox. Still, it seems at home in there.)
6. Fancy (read: expensive) Star Wars lightsabers that actually light up and make all the noises
7. Eight or so of the 28+ boxes of comic books
8. A large Captain-America-esque round shield
9. Box of wooden “lightsabers” used for stage combat practice
10. Sword cleaning supplies (steel wool, WD-40, some kind of powder)
11. Wooden sword – a relic from when he and a friend did a Renaissance Faire stage act

The original plan was for all 28+ boxes of comic books to reside in this closet. However, we realized that by stakcing all of them in that small space, the weight might compromise the floor and send it all crashing through into the garage. I wasn’t so thrilled with the idea of a hole in the floor in Mira’s room.

This is just a little of the geek stuff that Aaron owns. He’s still a little resentful of having his man cave taken over by our second child, insisting that soon both girls can share Cordy’s room so he can have his room back. I have a feeling that when we move to our next house, whenever that may be, he’ll insist on a house that will provide a room for him again.

So what’s in the man cave at your house?

This blog blast is sponsored by Parent Bloggers and Bill Me Later, where they invite you to enter to win a man cave makeover.

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  1. 28+ boxes of comic books?! Fire hazard!! I’m so not going to complain anymore about the one box of Mad magazines in our basement.

  2. My husband also has book shelves full of sci-fi/fantasy books and D&D gaming books. He pretty much had a room for those books and all of his swords, that hung on the wall, until we started having kids. All of the swords had to be taken down and put somewhere the kids couldn’t get them. The books, however are now in our bedroom and in the hallway.

  3. i love it. 😀 he has a lightsaber!

  4. So my question is, where are the rest of the comic books? And of course I only ask because I need ideas for where to make my husband put his. Right now they are all over the floor in the office (read: man cave). I’d post pictures, but I have to say that swords win. I can’t think of a single thing that anyone could possibly put up that would be more ridiculous than “sword cleaning supplies”:)

  5. Beth – The other boxes are out in the garage, plus he has stacks and stacks that still need to be boxed up. The ones in the garage are probably ruined by temp. and humidity changes, but then again, most comics of the past 20 years aren’t worth much anyway.

    Good luck finding a spot. Before our house, he had them taking up a huge portion of our second bedroom in our apartment.

  6. Amelia Sprout says

    I so can’t say thing, since I allow A to still have the room, since we both need an office for work.
    However, nice use of the closet for sword storage. I would have never thought of that.

  7. As the significant other of the friend with whom he did a Renaissance Faire stage act, I empathize. The boy’s entire office looks like Aaron’s garage, just bigger and more spread out… I cringe to think of what would happen if he ever had to downsize to a 1 bedroom apartment.

  8. Awesome. I can see how it’s tempting for Cordy to play with swords! Let me know if you’d like me to sew her a plush lightsaber. Q-ster has demanded them in blue (Obi-wan), green (Qui-gon), and red (Darth Vader, Darth Maul), so I have all kinds of fabrics on hand. The wacking is much less damaging around the house, now that the lightsabers are soft.