Haiku Friday: What Now?

The elections are
over now. The signs are down.
Campaigning silenced.

Now for the let-down.
After all this time, what will
we talk about now?

It’s true. Just a couple of days post-election, and I no longer feel the urge to read Huffington Post every hour. I missed the evening news tonight and didn’t feel the urge to switch over to MSNBC to see if there were any new polls. The surge of emotion has climaxed, and we slowly drift back into our “old” lives, free of famous plumbers, folksy politicians, and political commercials every 2 minutes.

And I’ve already started wondering, with all of that time spent on politics now gone, I feel like I’m empty and need to fill that space. Maybe I’ll take up knitting again?

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

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  1. I don’t know about everyone else, but I have the holidays on the brain. ;P

  2. This was the longest campaign season ever but also one of the most interesting. Glad it’s over, hope we can come together and move forward as one people instead of two parties.

  3. Was it just me, or did the holiday commercials start at 12:01 AM November 5th?

    I’m still listening to NPR on my commute. Trying to stay an informed citizen so I’m not as clueless about the next presidency as I was for a long time about this one.

    But for the most part I’m thinking about NaNoWriMo and blogging. Not much in the way of politics or holidays in my brain right now. No room at the inn.

  4. I’ve just made my first haiku. 🙂 I really enjoy your blog and have been reading the old posts – what a time!

  5. Hahahaha!
    Hopefully, we actually do keep talking about all of it, and moving forward!

  6. Yeah…but my anxiety level has fallen about 50% Still lots to worry about, but things are better…

  7. Oh yeah. And NaNo. Massive time suck. 🙂

  8. I was more excited about Halloween than the election. But my neighbor came over election night and so I had to stay up and watch the returns, and I’m glad I did. Looking forward to moving forward!

  9. True there is that let down after, but now we have time to actually get ready for Christmas. I think you will find yourself busy with that in just about a nano second. 🙂 Enjoy the 3 moments of peace you had.

  10. The weather :o)

  11. Undercover-Princess says

    I. am. so. tired.

  12. Hmmm … Actually, I didn’t blog much about the election itself. I did remind people to vote, but blogged about whatever was on my mind at the time … pretty much like I did today. Yesterday I wrote about Peace on all three of my blogs and today I’ve got Haiku on both because it’s Friday. I am glad the campaigns are over so we don’t have to listen to the same stuph all the time!
    Hugs and blessings,

  13. So true!!

    It’s nice to have a peaceful moment though and I am glad to have a break from political tension… although this is just the beginning!!

    We played a rousing family game of monopoly the day after the elections! The kids were excited to have some attention :)!!

  14. Oops, I accidentally linked to my blog and not the Haiku Post. Is there anyway I can fix it?

  15. My first Haiku Friday. I love this!

  16. the dragonfly says

    I don’t miss it at all!

  17. I totally agree–I thought I’d be so happy it’s over, but I do kind of miss all the anticipation.

  18. That reminds me of when I was pregnant I used to watch “A Baby Story” religiously, and then when I had the baby it was like “A Baby Story” who?

    I’m still kind of following the news shows, but that’s just because my guy won this time.

  19. It is kind of odd not to be constantly discussing politics, but I’m relieved. All the tension mixed with anxiety and excitement was almost too much to bear.

  20. I can pretty much relate to the topic this week. 🙂