Things You Hear At A Star Trek Screening

When anyone can pick up a pass to a free premiere, you get to overhear some odd conversations. Especially from younger girls who have a limited knowledge of Star Trek based only on The Next Generation:

“This is the early history of the bald guy, right?”
“Bald guy?”
“Yeah, the bald guy on Star Trek. That’s the only one I know.”
*laughing* “The bald guy Star Trek? No, it’s about the old one!”

“Are you sure? I thought this was about the bald guy Star Trek. You know, the one where they’re on Earth in the desert fighting some guy…”
“The movie or the TV show?”
“I don’t know! But it’s when he becomes human and they’re celebrating Christmas.”
“What are you talking about? He IS human!”
“No, on Earth he becomes human again! Like he becomes more human or something.”
“Are you talking about Data?”
“Which one is he?”
“He’s the computer who does become human in one of the movies.”
“Look, all I know is the guy in the wheelchair in X-Men is the bald guy in the Star Trek I know! And he’s the one fighting the guy in the desert.”

“What about the guy with the weird forehead?”
“Weird forehead? What kind of weird forehead?”
“Like, a huge forehead.”
“Yes, it’s a Worf.”
“No, that’s his name. He’s a Klingon.”
“Oh. Well, is he in this?”
“He’s not in this movie.”

“So do any of the guys in this grow up to be the bald guy?”
“No, the main guy becomes Captain Kirk from the old Star Trek.”
“Which one is he?”
“He was the first one.”
“Do I know what he looks like? Which actor is he?”
“You know,” *singing* “Price-line Ne-go-ti-a-tor!”
“OH! OK!”

“Wait, have I seen the guy who plays Spock?”
“Yeah, he’s on Heroes.”
“Which one?”
“He cuts people’s heads open.”
“Spock cuts people’s heads open?!?”
“No! The guy on Heroes does that! But it’s the same actor.”

And those were just the ones I remembered. If only we had been allowed to bring electronics into the theatre. This pre-show should have been recorded. And the Star Trek geek that I am, I nearly bit through my tongue to keep quiet and let these conversations flourish in their natural habitat.

(Also, the movie? Excellent. Mighty excellent.)

PS – Looking for last minute Mother’s Day gifts? I’m featuring two that support the March of Dimes – help others while getting a great gift!

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  1. I am excited that the movie is actually good. I think my husband and I may break our long theater movie fast and head in while we have free babysitting (aka grandparents) around.

  2. I laughed so hard reading this that I had to read it to my husband who hates it when I read him blog posts — but he’s still laughing too!

  3. Is it bad that I was wondering some of the same things as those girls? I don’t know anything about Star Treck but the preview and the actors look soooo hot! Can’t wait!