Roller Coaster of Life

It’s been such a busy 36 hours here, full of ups and downs and uncertainties. I’ve barely had time to sit down long enough to process it all.

The good:
Remember that job I applied for in a local small hospital? I got it! I’ll be working in the Birth Center as a labor/delivery/postpartum nurse. I’m thrilled to be starting my nursing career in a specialty I’m interested in, and the smaller hospital size may work to my favor.

The bad:
It’ll be a long commute – over 45 minutes. And I was a little surprised to realize that the starting pay is equal to what I used to make as a technical writer five years ago. Ah well, it’ll be worth it to be working with mamas and babies.

The good:
After Mira’s well-child check when she turned two, we were told to schedule an appt. with Children’s Hospital for a speech evaluation. Mira had an evaluation with Help Me Grow last fall, but her pediatrician wanted to see a more aggressive therapy schedule. After waiting over a month, we got an appointment and Mira spent the morning with the speech pathologist today. She was amazed that Mira can speak in full 3-4 word sentences. We heard the word “gifted” again.

The bad:
Although she can speak in 3-4 word sentences, good luck trying to figure out what those words are. Mira is a smart little kid, but she was diagnosed with apraxia of speech. It means that somewhere between her brain and the muscles in her mouth, the message is getting garbled, resulting in poor muscle coordination with her mouth.

It’s nothing that therapy can’t fix, although I’m not looking forward to the fight we’ll have trying to convince the World’s Most Stubborn Toddler to cooperate in even more speech therapy.

The not-so-good:
Cordy’s had a rough week or so. She’s been extremely uncooperative, rude and had several outbursts when frustrated. The culmination was at summer camp today, when she freaked out at swimming time, refusing to go into the water, pinching another child, and then when she had a full-out meltdown, she kicked her teacher and then lost control of her bladder, peeing on her teacher. Not her best day.

The uncertain:
Tomorrow Cordy goes in for surgery. It’ll be early in the day, and as long as the hospital has wireless I’ll probably be tweeting to keep from going insane from worry. I’m sure her tooth has been hurting her – maybe it was the reason she’s been acting out so much? – but the thought of my little girl undergoing general anesthesia is hard to bear. Cordy often has strange reactions to medications, and I don’t know which way she’ll react to what they give her.

I’ve had nightmares for days about something going wrong, then waking up in a full panic attack, trying to stop the tears. Were this Mira, I would not be as worried. Don’t get me wrong – I love Mira just as much, but she’s an amazingly tough kid. She’s never seemed as medically fragile as Cordy. Ha, I can’t believe I just called Cordy fragile. My Amazon warrior princess?

So spare a thought for Cordy in the morning, and hopefully I’ll be reporting that her surgery was quick, routine, and we’ll be home in time for her to watch Word World.

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  1. That’s wonderful news about new job! Congrats.

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve been having a rough time with Cordy. Dealing with a child with any sort of delay/ disability / special needs can be hard on the best of days. She’s so lucky to have you as a mom to see her along.

    I’m sure the surgery will go fine tomorrow. I know it’s scary having your kid put under (V had to be put under for an MRI a few months ago. Longest 2hrs of my life).

    Lots of hugs and good thoughts coming your way.

  2. Congrats on the job! That’s super duper 🙂

    Good thoughts and prayers for Cordy tomorrow. I’m guessing you’re right that her discomfort made the outbursts worse. HUGS!

    Keep us posted!

  3. Julie Pippert says

    CONGRATS on the job!!!

    You might, after a bit, maybe a year, maybe less, whatever is right, investigate salary ranges. Last I heard nurses were in demand, and you might be able to negotiate that salary after proving your invaluable worth and skill. 🙂

    The rest of it is a lot. Much to test your mettle and demand the best of you.

    Hang in there—you’re great.

    And loads of good wishes for Cordy.

  4. Condo Blues says


  5. Congrats on the job! I’m really happy for you.

    Good luck to the girls!

  6. Congratulations on the new job – that’s fabulous!

    Wishing Cordy well for the surgery.

  7. Way to go on the job! I think working with moms and babies sounds fabulous. Best wishes for the surgery with Cordy. We will be thinking of all of you for a smooth procedure.

  8. Congrats again on the job!

    I hope that speech therapy goes well with Mira. I know it stinks to have to do it, but at least it’s fixable and she should do great….stubborn or not!

    I’m thinking of you this morning and of Cordy. I hope everything goes well and you can put this awful day behind you.

  9. Congrats on the job! I will be sending good vibes your way for the surgery. I am sure it will go smoothly.

  10. !!! Hurray! Congratulations on your job! How awesome for you!

    praying for you and Cordy this morning. We have put Henry under at least 2 and I have been a total mess each time, so I hear ya.

    You and your crazy gifted kids, they sure do keep you running!!!

  11. Congratulations on the job! Hopefully it has the benefits that you’ve been doing without.

    I would guess that Cordy’s poor behavior is directly related from being in so much pain for so long.

    Good luck with the surgery.

  12. First, I’m SO HAPPY about your job! Congrats! I hope it is everything you imagined.

    Crossing my fingers for Cordy’s speedy and safe surgery. She IS tough. Just look at her mama…

  13. Motherhood Uncensored says

    Sending thoughts for Cordy, but more to you. Isn’t that how it always is? Way worse on Mommy.

  14. 3carnations says

    Keeping Cordy in my thoughts for her surgery. 🙂

  15. Congrats on the job! Thinking of you today.

    if you need me-just call. xoxo

  16. Anonymous says

    you will so love OB nursing!the drive is nasty but worth it in the long run.get experience and apply regularly to the local hospitals.

    best of wishes tomorrow. shall be thinking of both you and cordy tomorrow.


  17. Congrats on your new job in L&D. Prepared to be very overwhelmed at first, but it is the best job ever.

    *I may see you at BlogHer, if I can secure babysitting.

  18. Major good thoughts for your warrior!

  19. Well done on the job!! If you can love that assignment you really will make a difference for new moms. I had a lot of grief with a bowell obstruction post c-section then my baby getting really sick – nurses made all the difference to me. I remember one saying she thought it was a privilege to care for women at such an important time for them – that attitude and her care made a big impact in a difficult time. You’ll be great!

  20. Congrats on the job!!! What an up and down week for you. Hang in there. You will do great!!

  21. I’m just catching up on internetting… and just had to say congrats! Wish you could have been my nurse! 🙂