How NOT To Look Good in Pictures

Looking over all the photos from BlogHer 09, I’m realizing that I should have spent more time at the Nikon party talking to Carson Kressley and less time downing those Nikon Ikon drinks. I’m a walking advertisement for what not to do when the camera is aimed your way.

Allow me to share my lessons learned from this year’s set of photos.

1. Don’t get caught with your mouth full of cheeseburger.

Photo courtesy of Amelia Sprout

In this case, the hat can be considered fashionable. But chipmunk cheeks full of tasty cheeseburger goodness mid-chew? Not flattering.

2. Self-portraits rarely look good unless you’ve got insanely long monkey arms.

And when you’re with someone with perfect teeth? You’ve got no chance of looking good.

3. Remember that you’re not always the star.

Photo courtesy of Suebob

Sure, I may have thought I was hot stuff, but that red stapler? Totally upstaged me in this shot. I should have remembered which of us was more popular. I am merely a backdrop for that lovely red stapler.

4. Just because the other person in the photo is shorter than you doesn’t mean you should slouch to meet her in stature.

Yeah, um, bad lighting and a half-squat to meet Mrs. Potato Head’s height equal me looking nearly as round as her. I should have stood tall and made her stretch to meet me. Surely she’s got taller legs stored in her back, right?

5. When shifting to take a photo with a friend, make sure your outfit turns with you.

Photo courtesy of MommyBits

Yep, if you look close, that’s a whole lot of my bra exposed there. Sigh.

They weren’t all bad, though. I did manage to not embarrass myself in a few photos:

Photo courtesy of Karianna

Photo courtesy of Stimey

Is it possible to love a profile photo of yourself? This is the only one I’ve ever liked.

I did a write-up on my BlogHer 09 clothing and my travel to Chicago over at Mommy’s Must Haves. There’s even a photo of me flashing my undergarments (on purpose!) over there!

And I was recently a guest poster at Diets in Review – check out my advice for losing the baby weight, and also see my tips on running a 5K!

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  1. i think that you are too cute. i cant wait to pose with you at BlogHer10 or, perhaps, at the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon?

  2. Too funny!!

    (I also think you are way too hard on yourself.) 😉

  3. Major Bedhead says

    You’re so cute. But I can relate to hating pictures of yourself – I do, too.

  4. Amelia Sprout says

    I think you fared way better than I ever could. Sorry about the CheeseburgHer picture. You really looked amazing that whole weekend.

  5. Condo Blues says

    You look great! I’m not fond of the photos of me, I seriously needed to repowder my face – seriously shiney

  6. Haha! This post is hysterical. I love your self-deprecating sense of humor. But you look great, btw. Looks like it was a fun time!

  7. I like the stapler picture, it wouldn’t look nearly as good without you there to hold it! And I’m sooo psyched to be in one of your “good” photos, whew! 🙂 I’ve got another one of you and Kari in the tub… will get it off the camera and to you one of these days!

  8. You look fabulous.

    And one of my favorite pics of myself is a profile shot. So win!

  9. I’m sorry we didn’t get to talk more. I agree that you looked fabulous in that green dress (and in all these other cool new outfits too)!

  10. You are so brave! Me, I’m spending way too much energy wondering if I should untag myself in all the facebook photos.

  11. Hi! “Lurker” from DE here … I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time. For what it’s worth, I think you look beautiful in every post. I’m like you, though, so I understand. I don’t like any pix taken of me, even ones taken by my husband, when I’m not looking and am as natural as I can be … but truly, you looked happy. Isn’t that all that matters?

  12. Love the picture of you in the bathtub.