2010: Now This Is More Like It

I wanted 2010 to be the year of everything awesome. And so far, it’s not too bad. In fact, today kind of feels as far from 2009 as it could possibly be.

After a year and a half of unemployment (aside from a four-month contract job), Aaron started a new job today. It’s only a three-month contract for now, but the plan is to hire him on as a full employee at the end of the contract. Basically, the contract is his trial period. His first day went well: the job is creative and challenging and his coworkers are friendly and welcoming. I’m hoping it works out and he’ll be happy with his work.

As a result of his new job, we had to juggle our childcare situation. Aaron will be working traditional office hours, and while I work nights, we still need someone to cover on the days when I’ve worked and need to sleep. Cordy’s in school full-time, but Mira had only been in preschool two half-days a week.

So today Mira went back to her school, but into a new classroom. She’s attending three full days a week now, giving me a chance to sleep more, and giving Mira what she wants – the chance to spend more time at school. (The other days will be covered by a friend and family.) At two-and-a-half, Cordy hated being outside of the house, and would have fought going to preschool each day. But Mira, our little socialite, loves school and would complain when we picked her up each day.

I worried that a full day schedule might be too much, even for Mira, but when I picked her up at 5:15pm, she responded to seeing me with, “I don’t wanna go home.” Apparently she had a fantastic day, and is thrilled to go back again tomorrow. All is well with the changes in her schedule.

OK, nothing much has changed for Cordy. Other than she will now be sent home with homework starting this week. Homework? In pre-K? School has changed a lot since I was a kid.

As for myself, I’ve got a few days off right now and I’m finding myself happy to be more involved in directly caring for my girls again. Since starting work, I’ve been on the periphery at home, with Aaron taking on the bulk of childcare while I have waffled back and forth between being a day walker and a child of the night. Adjusting my schedule back and forth is terribly hard, leaving me feeling like a shell of myself at home with my family.

But with Aaron working now, I have to step up and force myself to be more involved again – and I like it. I like being the one preparing lunch, doing the school drop-off routine, reading with Cordy, playing games with both girls, etc. I missed doing all of that. Well, maybe not all of it, but a lot of it. We’ll see how things go once I’m back to work later this week. I hope I’ll be able to find some inner strength to be everything to everyone without cracking.

Even our house got a little update today. Thanks to an awesome Black Friday deal, we got a new microwave. Our current one is on a little stand taking up way too much room, and I wanted something above-the-range so I could replace that little stand with a pantry. Today, part one of that plan was accomplished:


Um, yeah, ignore the mess around the range.


Shiny! Pretty!

So yeah, let’s keep 2010 moving right along on this positive wave, OK?

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  1. I’m glad that thins are really good so far – the job thing I’m sure helps allay the stresses. I hope that you didn’t jinx it. 😛

    Rock on! I love your blog.

  2. tofuforyou says

    Shiny indeed, Cap’n! Hooray for new appliances!

    As far as the sleep-shift goes, that sucks. Do you work a string of days on and then a string off? Has Melatonin helped at all?

  3. Glad to hear things are on the upswing! Yay! for hubbys with new jobs and children who love school!

    Cool microwave too!

  4. Yay, I am happy to hear things are going well! Here’s to it keeping up goodly! (And to my grammar skills at 7 am improving…)

  5. Mrs. Chicken says

    I feel this way about 2010, too. It’s gonna be our year, friend, I can feel it!

    ps — I will see you at BLISSDOM! Can’t wait to give you a huuuuuge hug.

  6. Baby Sweetness says


    And pretty kitchen!