My Tivo Runneth Over

Oh network television, you’re killing me.

When the Fall lineup was announced, Aaron and I sat down and mapped out our TV strategy. It wasn’t a pretty sight. Most of our favorites avoided the axe last year, and combined with new must-sees we required a chart to keep track of them all.

It seems all of our favorite shows are mostly on at 8pm, with very little on at 9pm. This wouldn’t be a problem, except for two days a week when we have three shows on at the same time. Our Tivo can only record two at once, and I’m not quite willing to admit I’m that much of a television addict to pay for a second Tivo service on another TV. To combat this, we let two shows record while we run upstairs to watch the third in our bedroom.

Everything else we planned to get to during the 9pm dead time, or use Wednesday as a catch up night, when we have nothing scheduled. (And yes, the kids are already in bed before 8pm.)

It was a good plan – although a little crammed – at least until my work schedule blew up.

(And I’d like to say here that everything is back to normal, as I hoped it would be soon in my last post, but the truth is it’s still busy and may be for quite awhile.)

We’re now at least a full week behind on most shows. I think we’re caught up on Glee and The Vampire Diaries, but only because I beg to watch them before older TV.

I’ve tried cutting back. I gave up The Biggest Loser this season, finally admitting that the show is too long for its value. (Honestly – do you need an entire hour for the weigh-in? Skip the suspenseful music and cuts of shocked faces and just get on with it already.) And I’ve already committed to skipping out on American Idol in the spring.

But everything else is just too good. Chuck. House. Castle. Parenthood. The Big Bang Theory. The Mentalist. Bones. Smallville. (And Glee and The Vampire Diaries, of course.) I love all of them in their own way, and couldn’t think of dropping any of them right now. I’m a sucker for a compelling story, exciting cinematography and emotional acting.

So please, network executives, can you toss in a mid-season break soon? I need a couple of weeks to get caught up again. Maybe a baseball or some other sporting event could get in the way for a few weeks?

I really don’t want my Tivo to start threatening to delete programs to make space for new ones. And I’m going to BlogWorld this week, which means I’m going to fall even further behind.

TV overlords, have mercy.

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  1. No! No midseason break!

    Ok, I’m in the same boat, though. The problem here is that Shane hates all the shows I record, but they tie up all the tvs so he’s stuck watching something he doesn’t like. It causes many fights around here.

  2. So I see your the reason vampire diaries is a rerun this week. lol. Depending on your tv, I dont know what kind you have but if you have ur dvr connected by rca,s-video, or hdmi cables you can split your cable line before it goes to your dvr and put one to the tv and watch a 3rd show on that tv while recording the other two. My husband hates this but it works well.

  3. I have the same problem, and to combat this and to make room on the DVR, see if you can watch some on Hulu. ( It’s free and most shows are on there, but check before you start deleting stuff from your queue. And now enjoy some freedom from your DVR!!