Two Nights In The Woods – Internet Isolation

Aaron and I celebrated our nine year anniversary by visiting the scenic Hocking Hills for three days last week. I found a great deal for the Inn at Cedar Falls (not a review thing at all – bought and paid for and well worth the money) and so we left our city and drove to the hills to stay at our own little cottage in the woods.

Yes, a small cottage in the woods. Although not a very rustic cottage, however:

King-size bed, gas fireplace, indoor plumbing with hot tub – I loved it so much.

But in some ways, it was very rustic. As in, no phone in the cottage, no TV, no internet, and no cell phone service. We were completely cut off from the rest of the world. A chance to get away from technology and simply focus on each other, right?

So we must have looked insane as we sat in the inn’s restaurant with our iPhones, connecting to the restaurant’s wifi and desperately trying to angle our phones just right to get a cell signal to send out a text.

We might have an itty-bitty internet addiction problem.

OK, so that wasn’t all of our weekend. We did enjoy a (fantastic, incredible, amazing) dinner at the restaurant that night (in-between checking Facebook), and back in the cottage we played card games, watched The Muppets on DVD (what? No one said we couldn’t bring our laptops if there was no TV!), took full advantage of the hot tub, and enjoyed being together without the kids.

And then on our second day there, the weather switched from pouring rain to brilliant sunshine. So we went hiking. We didn’t plan on doing more than the easy trail at one park. Instead, we did the difficult trail at that one, and then went hiking in two other parks as well. Total hiking time was over four hours in the day!We had so much fun, and were in awe of the beauty of nature around us.

Waterfall at Ash Cave – tallest waterfall in Ohio
Hanging out in Old Man’s Cave.
More from the trail near Old Man’s Cave

Cedar Falls (one of the side waterfalls)

When we got home, we felt out-of-place surrounded by all of our technology again. It was good to be home, but it was an odd transition.

I highly recommend taking your significant other into the woods away from all technology. Well, keep the indoor plumbing and heat, of course, but no connection to the outside world. It’s a great way to reconnect, to discover new aspects to your partner, and to laugh at each other as you climb over your partner holding your phone just so pointing out a window to try for that one bar of cell signal.

Totally worth it.

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  1. most excellent.

    my father’s house is our sometime getaway – it has landline and dish tv, but no cell service and no internet. so it kind of feels like you’re off the grid. because, hello, no internet???

  2. Rachael Heiner says

    I so want to do this. Maybe soon!

  3. Andrew and I have gone to hocking hills every year since we started dating. We love hiking around, hanging out in the hot tub and eating at the Inn at Cedar Falls! Its such a wondeful place to unwinde and relax.

  4. I think I would love this. It sounds like something I REALLY need right now! 🙂

  5. Wow! I love the indoor hot tub and the Cedar Falls! I don’t mind if there’s no internet. It’s fine, as for one day, it seems you’re out of this world. Lol! I wish I can go there with husband soon.